

  • Oct 1, 1450

    The beggining

    The beggining
    began to be active in the atlantic slave trade
  • Oct 1, 1500

    Portuguese are evil

    Portuguese are evil
    Portuguese arrived in Brazil
  • Oct 1, 1501


    sugar plantations started up in the 1500's
  • Oct 1, 1530

    African slaves

    African slaves
    African slaves have entered and started entering through the port of Salvador and stayd in the state of Bahia
  • Gold diggers

    Gold diggers
    Sugar went down but gold uprises tripling the slave demand out of 1.7 million slaves coming in million of them helped with the gold industry
  • Gold V

    Gold V
    gold declines with sugar and now 1.3 slaves are moved around to big cities and coffee feilds
  • Independence

    Brazil gained independence and did not abolish slavery cause it was a natural thing to them so they did not dissus this issue
  • British not happy :(

    British not happy :(
    Great Britian abolished slavery but was mad because they had to pay a work force and Brazil
  • Slavary no more

    Slavary no more
    Brazil made slavary illlgal with the Golden Law