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Slavery in the south

  • Abolition Movement

    Abolition Movement
    The movement to end slavery. They wanted to end the slave trade and set slaves free.
  • Period: to

    1830- 1863

  • Nat Turner

    Nat Turner
    Turner and his little group murdered their master and his family. He had a group of 60 slaves by the afternoon with more killing against the white men. Virginia prepared for war and about 60 slaves were executed. Turner hid in a hole for a month and a half until he was found. The next week he was hung.
  • The Garonne

    The Garonne
    The object of the statute prohibiting the importation of slaves was to put an end to the slave trade and prevent the introduction of slaves into the untied states from other countries.
  • Calvin Fairbank

    Calvin Fairbank
    Calvin helped slaves escape from Kentucky to ohio. He partnered up with Delia Webster and was eventually arrested for helping an escaped slave. Calvin was forgiven in 1849, then arrested again and spent another 12 years in jail.
  • Rhodes v. Bell

    Rhodes v. Bell
    It is not lawful for an inhabitant of Washington country to purchase a slave in Alexandria country and bring him into Washington country for sale; if he does the slaves will become entitled to his freedom.
  • Fugitive Slave Act provision

    Fugitive Slave Act provision
    The original fugitive slave act was a federal law that allowed for the capture and return of runaway enslaved people with the territory of the United States. The provision added made harsher punishments for interfering in their capture.
  • Uncle Tom’s Cabin novel by Harriet Breechr Stowe

    Uncle Tom’s Cabin novel by Harriet Breechr Stowe
    Stowe decided to express her opinions through her novel representing slavery. She based her work on Josiah Henson and her observations. She portrayed the impact of slavery on families and children.
  • Moore v. People of the state of Illinois

    Moore v. People of the state of Illinois
    A state statute, making it penal to harbor or secrete a fugitive slave, or otherwise hinder or prevent his lawful owner from retaking him, is constructional and valid. Anyone who hides or helps slaves is a crime and you can be punished for it.
  • John brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry

    John brown’s raid on Harpers Ferry
    Brown and his group of people about 20 overran the armory.They wanted to create an armed force to make its way into the Deep South and free slaves by gunpoint. Some of them men rounded up hostages and enslaved people. By morning they were surrounded. They killed 10 of Brown's people including 2 of his 3 sons. Brown was hung for treason.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    Lincoln had made it official that “slaves within any state… shall be then, henceforward, and forever free.” Lincoln didn't actually free the 4 million men, women, and children that were in slavery. The document applied to only slaves in the confederacy, and not those that remained loyal to the union.