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Slavery During the Industrial Revolution

  • The First Slaves Arrived in Jamestown

    The First Slaves Arrived in Jamestown
    First slavesSlaves are sold into slavery. They got on a boat and then were sold into the British/American colonies on August 20th 1619. Not to much is known about what had happened or what these slaves had done once they got to America.
  • The Industrial Revolution Begins.

    The Industrial Revolution Begins.
    IR The Industrial Revolution begins. There is a need for more people. More slaves are used. There is mass and utter chaos, and it truly has never ended. There will always be growth, from now until the end of time.
  • First Petition Failed

    First Petition Failed
    The first failed petitionIn 1773, the first petition for slave rights was appealed in the state of Massechusets. There was nothing too specific in the petition, except that they tried to convince them with "Wisdom, Justice, and Goodness."
  • The First Black Separate Church

    The First Black Separate Church
    Absalom Jones The first black church was drew up and planned. The leaders of the white church were not against the black community, but were against a seperate black church. It took 2 years, until they were able to acctualy alowed to break ground and start building their church. These people were tired of not being allowed to sit where they wanted to in church, so they took the incentive to make thier own!!
  • Eli Whitney Patens the Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney Patens the Cotton Gin
    VIDEOEli Whitney, an American inventor from Massachusets, invented something to mass produce clean cotton in a short period of time. There was 10 times more work than there was by hand. The crop industry money went from $150,000 to a little more than $8 million. That span was just only the short time of 10 years!
  • The North Bans Slavery

    The North Bans Slavery
    Slavery BannedAt this point in history, most all of the norhtern states have abolished slavery. This abolishment didn't happen over night though. There was gradual emancipation. There were deadlines set by the government to make sure that ALL slaves were free.
  • Abraham Lincoln Elected

    Abraham Lincoln Elected
    Lincoln On the 1860s election, Abraham Lincoln was elected president. President Lincoln was a big supporter behind the Emancipation Proclamation. That was the thing behind freeing all the enslaved africans. He was the sole reason behind freeing slaves, and ending slavery once and for all.
  • 13th Amendment Passed

    13th Amendment Passed
    EmancipationThis was to abolish slavery. This amendment was passed by Abraham Lincoln, who's original goal was to get rid of descrimination in America altogether. That obvioulsy didnt happen until the 1960s. Even though there still wasnt allowed to be slaves, the black race was still discriminated against till the 60s.
  • The KKK Founded.

    The KKK Founded.
    KKK The KKK was an anti-movement group. They didn't believe that blacks were inferior to whites. They were founded by some old, confederate veterans who believed that they should be killed or harrased becuase they were better than them.
  • The KKK Act Passed

    The KKK Act Passed
    The KKK This is also known as the Third Force Act. This act was passed to stop terrorist acts, such as the Ku-Klux-Klan. The KKK was founded in 1865 by some confederate veterans who were upset that blacks now had a so called "freedom." So President Grant passed this act to enforce Martial Law agains the KKK.
  • The Freedmen's Bureau is Abolished

    The Freedmen's Bureau is Abolished
    Freedmen's On this day, the Freedman's Bureau is taken out of effect. The white men believed that the negro men were mooching or taking advantage of this. This was to help the newly freed slaves get on their feet and start anew. Some took advantage, so the white men abolished this so the blacks would have to work things for theirselves out themself instead of the white people working for their greater good.
  • "I Have a Dream"

    "I Have a Dream"
    MLK Martin Luther King Jr. gives hs "I Have a Dream" speech on August 28th, 1963. This happened in Washington D.C. They historic revolt finally ended discrimination once and for all. Some people don't believe that he had much of an effect on people, but he did end the discrimination against negros, so i dont think they give him much credit for what he did.
  • MLK Assassinated

    MLK Assassinated
    james earl ray MLK Jr. was about to go on a speech, when something fateful happened. A lowlife drifter and ex convict, James Earl Ray, murdered Mr. King in cold blood. Some say he was as dumb as a rock, some say he was a great mastemind. He did kill one of the most reveered people in American history, so i don't think that ever went over too well with America.
  • WC
