Slave Trade Timeline

By af5825
  • Period: Nov 15, 1300 to Nov 15, 1350


    Slavery existed in Africa. Being apart of the community, they were considered servents
  • Period: Nov 15, 1400 to Nov 15, 1450

    European contacts with West Africa

    Prince Henry wanted a sea route to India so that he could find Africa's map and gold.
  • Period: Nov 15, 1425 to Nov 15, 1450

    Slaves to Europe

    Europeans took a couple of slaves to Europe.
  • Period: Nov 15, 1510 to Nov 15, 1520

    Slaves in America

    Slaves are brought to North and South America
  • Nov 15, 1526

    No more Slavery

    No more Slavery
    King Alfonso told the protuguese that they hope trade of slaves should end in addition to
  • Period: to

    The link

    Africa, Europe and North and South America traded together.
  • Period: to

    Height of Trade

    The Atlantic Slave Trade reached its height
  • Period: to

    Best of Atlantic Slave trade

    The Americas were receiving up to 60,000 Africans a year from the Europeans.
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    Abolition Thoughts

    Europeans are think about getting rid of slavery
  • Sierra Leone

    Britain set up Sierra Leone for free slaves
  • Outlaw

    Although slavery was not outlawed, the trade of slaves was
  • Banned

    Slavery ended in the British empire
  • Cause

    Slavery was partially a reason for the Civil war.
  • Period: to

    New Empire

    Mirambo put together a strong empire in Tanzania
  • Tip of Africa

    Bartholomeu Dias rounded the southern tip of Africa