
Slave Trade in American. By: Chelsea Horvath

  • Nov 4, 1501

    African Slaves

    African Slaves
    in the New World Spanish settlers bring slaves from Africa to Santo Domingo
  • Virginia

    The first African slaves arrive in Virginia.
  • Massachusetts

    Massachusetts is the first colony to legalize slavery.
  • Connecticut

    Connecticut legalizes slavery.
  • New York Declares

    New York Declares
    New York declares that blacks who convert to Christianity after their enslavement will not be freed.
  • Massachusetts

    Massachusetts makes marriage and sexual relations between blacks and whites illegal.
  • Delaware

    Delaware prohibits the importation of African slaves.
  • U.S.

    First United States Census Nearly 700,000 slaves live and toil in a nation of 3.9 million people.
  • Gabriel Prosser

    Gabriel Prosser
    Gabriel Prosser, an enslaved African American blacksmith, organizes a slave revolt intending to march on Richmond, Virginia.
  • Denmark Vesey

    Denmark Vesey
    Denmark Vesey, an enslaved African American carpenter who had purchased his freedom, plans a slave revolt with the intent to lay siege on Charleston, South Carolina.
  • 13th Amandment

    13th Amandment
    Slavery Abolished The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution outlaws slavery.