Drew and Arnav's Slave Family

  • Teagu and Fugra Ba Come to the Colonies

    Teagu and Fugra Ba Come to the Colonies
    Teagu Ba traveled to the colonies as a slave on a slave ship, the Sally, along with 156 other slaves, like the document says. He came over with his wife, Fugra Ba. They arrived at Newport, Rhode Island in 1700.
  • Surboo Ba Born

    Teagu and Fugra Ba become the parents of Surboo Ba. He is born on January 28, 1702.
  • Ojah Ba Born

    Teagu and Fugra Ba become the parents of Ojah Ba. She is born on March 15, 1703.
  • Okawho Ba Born, Fugra Ba Dies

    Teagu and Fugra Ba become the parents of Okawho Ba. He is born on October 27, 1705. Fugra dies in labor giving birth to Okawho at the age of 21.
  • Family Sold

    Teagu, Surboo, Ojah, and Okawho are split apart. Teagu and Okawho are sold to Georgia, Surboo is sold to New York, and Ojah is sold to Virginia.
  • Teagu Dies

    Teagu dies at the age of 31 in Georgia.
  • USA Declares Independence

    The USA declares independence from England. The family has developed as well. Ojah died in 1715 at the age of 13. Okawho died in 1713 at the age of 8. Surboo died at the age of 32 in 1734, but gave birth to Oshoo Ba in 1730. Oshoo Ba dies in 1765 at the age of 31, but gave birth to Quashie Ba in 1760. Quashie is now 16 years old and is a slave in New York.
  • Aaron Ba Born

    Quashie becomes the parent of Aaron Ba on February 5, 1781.
  • Mary Ba Born

    Quashie Ba becomes the parent of Mary Ba on January 11, 1782.
  • Family Sold and Split

    The family is sold in New York, and they are split up. Quashie and Mary get sold to Georgia, and Aaron gets sold to Pennsylvania.
  • Quashie Dies

    Quahsie Ba dies in Georgia at the age of 27 on August 5, 1786.
  • James Ba Born

    Aaron Ba becomes the parent of James Ba on April 25, 1796.
  • John Ba Born

    Mary gives birth to John Ba on March 11, 1798 in Georgia.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    The United States purchased a large portion of land in 1803 from France. This land was the Louisiana Territory. This territory was right next to the Mississippi River, so it provided great economical opportunities. The owners of Mary and John decide they want to move to that territory for that reason, so they do move there in 1812.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Mary and Aaron both die, but Mary gives birth to John Ba in 1798. James is a slave in Pennsylavania, and John is a slave in Georgia. The Missouri Compromise balanced the number of free and slave states. The northern part was free, the Southern part part was not. So James is now a free black in Pennsylavania, but John is still a slave in Louisiana. Also, repreesntation for the states stays equal.
  • James Dies

    James dies on February 8, 1821 at the age of 24.
  • Ruth Ba Born

    John Ba becomes the parent of Ruth Ba on December 18, 1823 in Louisiana.
  • John Ba Dies

    John Ba dies on March 12, 1830 at the age of 32 in Louisiana.
  • Elijah Ba Born

    Ruth Ba gives birth to Elijah Ba on February 3, 1839 in Louisiana.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    Texas was accepted as the 28th state of the United States in 1845. It was a slave state with lots of very fertile land. This attracted many people to Texas. The owners of Elijah and Ruth read this newspaper explaining the Texas Annexation, so they moved there in 1845.
  • Ruth Ba Dies

    Ruth Ba dies in Texas on February 7 1849 at the age of 26.
  • Compromsie of 1850

    The Compromise of 1850 had 5 parts to it. California was made into a free state. The slave trade was banned in DC. The Fugitave Slave Act was also a part of this. Another part divided the Mexican Cession into 2 territories. And the last part settled a border dispute of Texas. This last part affected the owners of Elijah. It caused them to move from northwest Texas into the panhandle of Texas because the new borders made their plantation in the New Mexico Territory.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act, passed on September 18, 1850 as part of the Compromise of 1850, required runaway slaves to be returned to their masters. You would be punished if you didn't capture them on purpose, so most people tried to catch runaway slaves. This affected Elijah. He tried to run away to the North with a group of slaves, but was caught because of this act. He was returned to his master in Texas.
  • Abram Ba Born

    Elijah Ba becomes the parent of Abram Ba on May 13, 1862 in Texas.
  • Family Moves

    On August 7, 1849, Elijah, Abram, and their owners move to Georgia.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Abraham Lincoln delivers the Emancipation Proclamation on New Years Day, 1863. This set all the slaves free. But the Confederacy didn't listen to this because Lincoln was not their president and didn't have the authority to tell them what to do. So some owners set their slaves free, while others did not. Abram and Elijah's owners do not set them free in Georgia.
  • 13th Amendment

    The 13th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted December 6, 1865, stated that slavery was abolished. This officially set the slaves free, unlike Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. Elijah and Abram are freed from their owners in Georgia and look for work.