silk road timeline

  • 100

    The Horses Boobs

    The Horses Domesticated this is important because it allos for travel and or transportatoin netween places, which is important to trading with places of farther distance ~ 3200 BCE
  • Period: 100 to


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    silk is made

    china is the first country to breed silkworms , and produce silk this is significant because they are the first contry to do so and this begins the silk road
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    the camel

    the camel speciess named bactrian and arabian and domesticated.this is important because it allows for desrt travel , in which horses are not capable of.this allows for more easier and
  • 200

    mounted nomadism

    Mounted Nomadism spreads in the area around China/Europe. And this is of significance, because it allows more possibilites for trade, because there may be people to trade on the route to a major location to trade. ~900 BCE
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    the begining of trades

    China begins to find out about commerical ways of transporting silk. This is of significance because the material of silk is seeming of desire to all, as many people want it. ~500-200 BCE
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    china adopts...

    China adopts Mounted Nomadism. This is of significance because horses and camels will be used to ride around more, and the Chinese mobile, spreading around.
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    the paper

    Paper is first made in China, in 300 BCE. This is important because it allows for records to be kept in a way, possibly such as records kept about trading to over people/countries.
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    buddism spreading

    Buddhism spreads north, from India. This is of significance because along with Buddhism spreading north, the people will go to other countries, in hopes of spreading their religion, possibly coming home to India with silk, sparking more interest in the prized material. ~300 BCE
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    Rome Silk is first seen in Rome. And the significance of this is that it has spread to the point where it has reached Rome, in Europe. This shows that silk is being traded a lot, and has received significant attention to spread throughout Asian/Europe. ~0CE
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    kushan empire

    Kushan Empire rises in Central Asia. This is of significance because this means there were be more trade between other Empires, further expanding the Silk Trade Route. ~0 CE
  • 300


    Sericulture which silk farming starts spreading west along the silk road. This is important because this means that silk is getting more popular and well-knowed over time.
  • 345

    silk traveler

    A silk road traveler starts to travel with a bhuddist monk towards India. He could possibly bring some silk to Indea since he is a silk trader which also means the spreading of silk.
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    silk smugglers

    A chinese princess smuggles some silkworm eggs out of China. This is important because this affects how the silk spreaded across many countires.
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    silk worms apper in europe

    Silkworm farms start appearing in Europe. This is significant because silk starts spreading very far to other countries around the world. Silk is considered as a wealthy material since it is beautiful and smooth.
  • Feb 8, 620


    Muslims start to take control over Mesopotamia and Iran, along with the Silk and Spice routes. This affected the silk for many countries around Mesopotamia and Iran
  • Feb 8, 700


    The tang Dynasty begins to decline, and with it, the silkroad. This is where things start to slow down for the silk production which is a very inportant factor.
  • Feb 8, 750

    peak of movement

    This is where the silk road is in it's full production. Everyone is on the silk road carry back silk to their countries.
  • Feb 8, 1100


    Silk production and weaving is established in Italy. Italy, not only with their spices but now are starting to create becautiful silk for their country.
  • Feb 8, 1200


    The silk road trade now starts to grow because of "Pax Mongolica. This means that the Western Asia countries are now in peace and the silk trade route is comming back.
  • Feb 8, 1300


    A silk road route appears in the north. This proves that the pax mongolica has affected the silk trading.