Significant events 1750-1918

  • industrial revolution

    The technology and transportation speed up in development
  • Steam Engine

    James Watt designs a more efficient steam engine to run machines
  • The Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence is where the 13 American Colonies announced that they were independent states.
  • First fleet

    The First Fleet arrives in australia
  • French revolution

    The People of france rebelled due to unfair rules and monarch rulers
  • The Battery was invented

    Alessandro Volta invents the power storing battery
  • Califiornia Gold Rush

    The Califiornian Gold Rush attracted just oveer 300,000 people, half came by sea, half came by land.
  • American Civil War

    The American Civil War, also know as 'The War between the States', went on for 4 years in which eleven southern states fought to keep their forts
  • Alexander Graham Bell further developed the Telephone

    First device that allowed direct communication over long distances
  • First powered flight

    Orville and Wilbur Wright, brothers, create the first controlled, powered man carrying flighing machine
  • Light bulb

    Thomas Edison invents the icandescent light bulb
  • Titanic crashes

    The Worlds largest steamship Crashes and kills 1517 people
  • World War 1

    World War 1, Also known as the Great War lasted for 4 years. Over 15 Million people died. 135 countries fought.
  • Australia

    The six colonies of New South Whales, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, South Ausralia and Tasmania become one nation.