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Sigmund Fraud Bio.

  • First publications: papers on anatomy and physiology

  • Graduates as Doctor of Medicine

  • Engagement to Martha Bernays

  • Studies under Charcot at the Salpětrière (hospital for nervous diseases) in Paris.Interest first turns to hysteria and hypnosis.

  • Continues work on neurology, especially on the cerebral palsies of children at the Kassowitz Institute in Vienna, with numerous publications.Gradual shift of interest from neurology to psychopathology

  • Begins to follow Breuer in using hypnosis for cathartic treatment of hysteria. Gradually drops hypnosis and substitutes free association

  • Researches and short papers on hysteria, obsessions, and anxiety Jointly with Breuer, Studies on Hysteria:case histories and description by Freud of his technique, including first account of transference

  • Introduces the term ‘psychoanalysis’

  • The Psychopathology of Everyday Life. This, together with the book on dreams, made it plain that Freud’s theories applied not only to pathological states but also to normal mental life.

  • Writes a series of twelve ‘metapsychological’ papers on basic theoretical questions, of which only five have survived.

  • The Future of an Illusion A discussion of religion: the first of a number of sociological works to which Freud devoted most of his remaining years

  • Hitler seizes power in Germany: Freud’s books publicly burned in berlin

  • Death in London