
  • U.S.S Cyclops

    U.S.S Cyclops
    The U.S.S Cyclops was built in 1910. In March, 1918 the ship was traveling from Brazil to Maryland and sortly dissaperaed somewhere in The Bermuda Triangle. 306 men were lost and there were no signs of an SOS.
  • Carroll A Deering

    Carroll A Deering
    Deering was a five mastered commerical schooner that was found wrecked in 1921, off the coast of North Carolina. It's crew and all of the ships belongings were gone, most theories point to a piracy hijacking.
  • Witchcraft

    A 23-foot cabin cruiser went missing in The Bermuda Triangle area on the night of December 22, 1967. The owner took it offshore only to watch the lights of Miami shoreline.
  • Northstar

    T.K Truesdale's ship goes missing somewhere along the coast of South America because they were looking to expliot the oil companies. T.K and her crew 'fake' the ship disapperance so her daughter can stay safe, in New York with her aunt and until T.K can get more evidence about the oil compaines hoarding oil.
  • S.S American Star

    S.S American Star
    The S.S American Star was built in 1940 and had many names. 'She' wrecked sometime in 1994 off the coast of The Canary Islands. Durring a bad storm the ship spilt into two, and half of the ship still remains about a mile from the coast.
  • Kerala

    An oil tanker, the boats vessel and the shipmates disappeared off the coast of Angola to 'fake' pirate hijacking. The boat then came back onto ships radar and the oil tanker was found nearby the ships reapperance back on the radar.