
Sexual Assault

  • Corey Batey (Attacker)

    Corey Batey (Attacker)
    It took until January of 2015 for two of the four football players involved in the assault to be convicted. Despite ample photographic evidence of Brandon Vandenburg and Corey Batey laughing at and attacking the survivor, it took over 18 months for them to be found guilty of five counts of aggravated rape and two counts of aggravated sexual battery. Defense attorneys attempted to blame the campus culture of drunken, casual sex for the assault.
  • Emma Sulkowicz (Victim)

    Emma Sulkowicz (Victim)
    Carry That Weight remains an important moment in the ongoing conversation on sexual assault. Carry That Weight inspired young women at over 100 universities to organize a National Day of Action in October of 2014 where male and female students alike carried their own mattresses in a show of solidarity for Sulkowicz. On that same day, Columbia students delivered 28 mattresses to the home of Columbia University president Lee Bolinger.
  • CA Bill

    CA Bill
    California state legislature approved a bill requiring all colleges and universities receiving state aid to make affirmative consent a part of their sexual assault policies. Yes Means Yes, which demands that all students acquire affirmative consent before engaging in sexual activity with each other, was the first bill of its kind
  • Earson Gibson (Victim)

    Earson Gibson (Victim)
    He did not report the incident because he thought men could not be victims. At the age of 19 he traveled to India and said "He removed some of my clothes and started arousing me, without asking. I was barely conscious, but I woke up enough to get up and leave. He didn't try to stop me. I don't think my experience was worse because it was outside of my sexual orientation. What I share with these women are the feelings of complete surprise, of confusion, and of doubt."
  • Brock Turner (Attacker)

    Brock Turner (Attacker)
    She was found unconscious, hair disheveled, butt naked all the way down to the boots, legs spread apart, and had been penetrated by a foreign object. "I learned what happened to me the same time everyone else in the world learned what happened to me. That’s when the pine needles in my hair made sense, they didn’t fall from a tree. He had taken off my underwear, his fingers had been inside of me. I don’t even know this person. I still don’t know this person."