Seth Lawrence civil war timeline

  • The election of 1860

    The election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln won the presedintial election of 1860. His political party was Republicans. After he won the South decided to be a sovereign nation. They declared theirselves, the Confederate States of America.,_1860
  • Start of the War

    Start of the War
    Hostilities started to begin between the union and confedrate. When the confederate fired upon Fort Sumter. Two union soilders died in the firing. Basically declaring war with each other.
  • First Battle of the civil War

    First Battle of the civil War
    The union went and raidied the confedrate troops stationed at Manassas Junction, Virginia. But with the Confedarate reinforcements it ended up with a victory for the South. They eventually left the camp in March of 1862.
  • General Grant takes over Tennessee

    General Grant takes over Tennessee
    General Ulysses S. Grant and his troops go and battle and take over Fort Henry. Ten days later him and his troops go to invade and take over Fort Donelson. But Confederate Soilders uncoditionally surrender. Causing the Union troops to control the forts in Tennessee
  • The 2nd battle of Bull Run

    The 2nd battle of Bull Run
    Confederate troops are back at the Camp of Bull Run in Northern Virigina. With 55,000 troops stationed at the camp the union troops bring 75,000 troops to try and take over Bull Run. But the Confederate is to strong. The Union eventually retreat back to Washington.
  • The final Emancipation Proclamation

    The  final Emancipation Proclamation
    President Lincoln issues the final Emancipation Proclamation freeing all slaves in territories held by Confederates and emphasizes the enlisting of black soldiers in the Union Army. The war to preserve the Union now becomes a revolutionary struggle for the abolition of slavery.
  • Confederate pushes towards the captial

    Confederate pushes towards the captial
    General Jubal Early and his army went to go meet with Lee and his army and take over. But Earlys army got 5 miles from Washington and was pushed back to Virigina. With Lee and his army.
  • Abraham Lincoln is reelected

    Abraham Lincoln is reelected
    In november of 1864 Republican Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson won the election. They were going against Democratic General George B. McClellan and vice president George Pendelton.
  • Fall of the Confederacy

    Fall of the Confederacy
    After the Confederate started having transportation problems and the union did several successful blockades. The confederate lost food and many troops started starving. Also many troops started to leave Lee and the army causing the Confedrate to have less soilders.
  • Appomattox Courthouse Surrender

    Appomattox Courthouse Surrender
    General Grant and his union soilders surrounded Lee and the confederate soilders on April 7. And General Grant ordered Lee to surrender. On April 9, the two commanders met at Appomattox Courthouse, and agreed on the terms of surrender. Lee's men were sent home on parole soldiers with their horses, and officers with their side arms. All other equipment was surrendered.
  • President Assasinated

    President Assasinated
    On April 14 President Lincoln was watching Our American Cousin when John Wilkes Booth shot President Lincoln in the back of the head. The next morning President Lincoln was pronounced dead. John Booth fled to Virgina and eleven days later was fatally shot by a union soilder. And was inside a burning barn while shot and he was burned. Nine other people were also accused of helping with the assassination and 4 were hanged, 4 were imprisoned, and the other was acquaited.
  • Remaining Confederate Troops Surrender

    Remaining Confederate Troops Surrender
    In April and May of 1865 any Confedrate troops that were remaining. Were battled and defeated by the Union troops and the reamining of the Confederates just surrendered. That was the final of the soilders that surrendered. Which meant that the civil war was officially over.