
September 11, 2001

  • September 10, 2001

    September 10, 2001
    Millions of Americans went to bed not knowing the horrible actions that would unfold the next day.
  • September 11

    September 11
    The world was awaken by the news that 4 American airliners had been hijacked.
  • September 11, 9Aa.m.

    The first plan was crashed into one of the world trade towers which struck aww in America.
  • Sept 11 the other planes

    Both towers were hit and the pentagon as wel but one fight was overtaken and crashed into a field thanks to the brave Americans aboard.
  • Sept 12, 2001

    Sept 12, 2001
    A mile stone in American history just took place as millions band together to get through this time of greif and struggle
  • Sept 12

    Sept 12
    It was declared that a national anniversy would take place to commerate the brave soles lost that day.