Belfast 1791

History of Belfast

  • Jan 1, 666

    Battle between the Ulaid and Cruithin

    Battle between the Ulaid and Cruithin
    Clan McLea - the Highland Livingstones Originally named Beal Feirsde by the ‘Celtic-speaking Irish or Erinn’, the area of Belfast was ruled by the Ulaid in the early Christian era. The Ulaid were ‘a warrior caste of the Erinn’. The first mention of Beal Feirsde was recorded in the Annals of Tighernach, whereby in 666 AD, a battle was fought between the Ulaid and Cruithin, who were ‘a people closely connected with the Picts of northern Britain’ (Bardon, 1982: 3-4)
  • Period: Jan 1, 666 to

    History of Belfast

    Segregation in Belfast
  • Election Riots

    First Election Riots between the Pound and Sandy Row