Sectionalism Timeline by: Sarah and Angela

By AB385
  • Period: to

    Growth of Sectionalism

  • The Abolishment of Slaves in the North

    By 1804 slavery was abolished in the North, which caused lots of disagreement between the North and South regions
  • Invention of the Cotton Gin

    The invention of the cotton gin was part of the Industrial Revolution. The cotton gin waa primarily used in the North which made the southerners less industrialized.
  • Lowell Mills

    In the early 1820's, Lowell,Massachusetts was founded as a planned town fr the manufacture of textiles. By 1840, over 8,000 (mostley woman) worked at the factories. This was contriversial between the North and South.
  • The Missouri Comprimise

    Both the Nortth and the South wanted a different outcome for the state of Missouri
  • The Tariff Act of 1828

    The tariff act put a tax on traded goods from Europe. The tax affected both the North and the South but the South was forced to pay more.
  • The Nullification Act

    South ordered that the Federal Tarrifs of 1828 and 1832 become unconstitutional in November 1833
  • Fredrick Douglass Book was Published

    Fredrick Douglass' book took a long time to publish because it was very contriversial.
  • The Fugitive Slave Act

    The Fugitive Slave Act caused disagreement because the Northern abolishonists did not want to allow southerners to take back the slaves freedom
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin Published

    Uncle Tom's Cabin made the southeners unhappy because even though their reading skills were poor, they would have just thought about the book as another reason to hate the North