
Second World War

  • Germany invades Poland.

    Germany invades Poland.
    this is the start of the war.
  • Period: to

    Second world war

  • France and Great Britain declare war to Germany.

    France and Great Britain declare war to Germany.
    Beacause of the invasion of Poland
  • URSS invades Poland from the east.

    URSS invades Poland from the east.
    They were helping Germany because they wanted a piece of Poland.
  • Period: to

    Winter War

    URSS invades Finland, it lasts more than what they expected.
  • Finland is conquered by the URSS.

    Finland is conquered by the URSS.
  • URSS invades Denmark.

    URSS invades Denmark.
  • URSS conquers Norway.

    URSS conquers Norway.
  • Frenchs surrender.

    Frenchs surrender.
    They declare Paris a free city so as not to be destroyed.
  • Desert war in North Africa starts.

    Desert war in North Africa starts.
    Italy enters the war and wants to conquer the Mediterranean Sea.
  • Battle of England starts.

    Battle of England starts.
    German troops start bombing English cities.
  • Operation Barbarossa starts.

    Operation Barbarossa starts.
    German invasion to the URRS.
  • Battle of England finishes.

    Battle of England finishes.
    England resists to the Airforce Batlle.
  • Operation Barbarossa finishes.

    Operation Barbarossa finishes.
    Next to Moscow in the Staligrad Battle.
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbour.

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbour.
    USA declares the war to Japan and obviusly to Italy and Germany.
  • Battle of Stalingrad starts.

    Battle of Stalingrad starts.
  • Battle of Stalingrad finishes.

    Battle of Stalingrad finishes.
    This is the first battle that Germany looses.
  • Desert war ends.

    Desert war ends.
    German and Italian troops finally surrender against English and American troops.
  • Batlle of Normandy.

    Batlle of Normandy.
    English and French invade german territory from the west. They invade it with a bloody landing called Day D.
  • Normandy Battle ends.

    Normandy Battle ends.
    The battle finishes in Berlin where URSS was already.
  • Hitler comits suicide.

    Hitler comits suicide.
    He comits suicide in his bunker.
  • Germany surrenders.

    Germany surrenders.
  • USA drops the atomic bomb in Hioshima.

    USA drops the atomic bomb in Hioshima.
  • USA drops the atomic bomb in Nagasaki.

    USA drops the atomic bomb in Nagasaki.
  • Japan finally surrenders.

    Japan finally surrenders.
    This is the end of the war.