Search of elements

By NOR1813
  • 1526

    Forbenius new idea was the world was made of Mercury, salt, and sulfur key for medicine and metals

  • By use of Phosphorus Robert Boyle discovered principles for the lighting of a match

  • Johne Becker said fire contained phologiston in order to be created after the fire in England broke out

  • Brandt made experiments with urine which became know that contained phosphorus

  • Air and gases were discovered which were hydrogen and carbon dioxode

  • People began an electricity conductive machines

  • Priestly discovered pure air through mercury experiment with a mouse

  • Humphry Davy discovered potassium

  • Recruitment for some chemist in New York in order to study top secret chemical that would help develop atomic bombs

  • Marie Curie and husband Laviousier discover radio activity in radium

  • Henry Moseley shot and killed he discovered protons at age of 25 due to his death chemist were not allowed to fight in the frontline

  • Near New Mexico Uranium was tested for the 1st time to test an atomic bomb