Scientist Theory and Evidence

  • Abraham Ortelius

    Abraham Ortelius
    Hypothesis: "That Continents "Drift", its the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other. He fully developed it."
    Evidence: "That similar plant and animal fossils are found around the shores of different continents. Living evidence is that same animals are being found on two continents."
    Agree or Disagree with theory and why: Disagree, because he didn't have enough evidence to support his theory.
  • Alfred Wegener

    Alfred Wegener
    Hypothesis: "The continents were once compressed into a single protocontinent which he called Pangaea, and over time they have drifted apart into their current distribution."
    Evidence: "A land bridge had connected Africa and Brazil. The same fossilized plants and animals from the same time period were found in South America and Africa."
    Agree or Disagree with theory: His theory's lacked scientific data and concrete evidence.Wegener was unable to present a "mechanism" for the movement.
  • Arthur Holmes

    Arthur Holmes
    Hypothesis: "Earth's Mantic contained convection cells that dissipated radioactive heat and moved the crust at the surface, plate tectonics."
    Evidence: "Modern evidence provided the study of seismic waves and other geophysical evidence, the earth magnetic field is now believed to be a generator by the show convection currents in the liquid iron outer core."
    Agree or Disagree : Disagree because it was not clear what would cause large continents to move across the surface of the earth.
  • Frederick J. Vine

    Frederick J. Vine
    Hypothesis: "That plate tectonics, show that the sea floor spreads from mid-ocean ridges with a symmetrical pattern of magnetic reversals in the basalt rocks on either side."
    Evidence: "There were areas of normal and reversed magnetic polarity in the sea floor."
    Agree or Disagree with theory: Disagree, because he didn't have enough evidence to support his answer , what, why, or how it happened.
  • Drummond Hoyle Mathews

    Drummond Hoyle Mathews
    Hypothesis: "There were magnetic strips of ridges on the ocean floor because of sea floor spreading. Newley- formed crust would become magnetized in the prevailing direction of earth magnetic field."
    Evidence:" Showed that magnetic patterns were symmetrical about the mid-ocean ridges and that the same patterns were found for ridges in different oceans. "
    Agree or Disagree with theory and why: Agree, because the information that was stated, showed the main points on the theory.
  • Harry Hess

    Harry Hess
    Hypothesis: "Magma slowly leaked out of the center of the ridge, because of convection in the mantle."
    Evidence: "Magma quickly cooled and formed new sea floor. More magma coming out of the ridge pushed the new seafloor away from the ridge. "
    Agree or Disagree: Agree, because he has evidence to support or back up his theory. The idea of magma showed how,necessary what, or why necessary to prove it.
  • Lawrence Morely

    Lawrence Morely
    Hypothesis: "That rocks on the ocean floor were imprinted with a record of the direction and intensity of the earth's magnetic field."
    Evidence: "Presented the idea that there was a magnetic pattern or igneous rock on the ocean floor. New magma rising up at a mid-ocean ridge contains iron in its composition, and the rocks magnetic elements would be locked in place at the current magnetic position."
    Agree or Disagree with theory: Agree, because he had a lot of evidence to support his answer.
  • Dan McKenzie

    Dan McKenzie
    Hypothesis: "That there are 2 layers in the mantle, each of which is in motion, controlling the movement and behavior of the tectonic plates above."
    Evidence: "The factors of controlling the partial melting of the mantle, and how the original composition of the magma may change with time as it moves upwards, cools with other magmas at shallower levels."
    Agree or Disagree with theory: Agree, because he answered other questions about other theorys.