scientific revolution timeline

  • Apr 15, 1452

    Leonardo da Vinci

    Leonardo da Vinci
    Leonardo da Vinci was a famous painter/inventor from the 1400s. His work on things like the Mona Lisa and the parachute heavily influenced today's society. throughout da Vinci's career he invented numerous different things like the diving suit, the parachute, and the three barrel cannon. He also created paintings known as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Although during his life he wasn't as well known, his work heavily influenced past and modern day artists.
  • Mar 6, 1475


    Michelangelo was a painter and sculptor born in 1475. He was most known for his work on the sculpture David of Michelangelo and his painting The Creation of Adam. His work, like da Vinci played a very large role in art as we know it today and how it was formed. He showed people a different way of viewing art and introduced breathtaking new art to the people of his time. Michaelangelos art continues to influence today's world. People are still often seen using his art as a teaching moment/lesson.
  • Apr 6, 1483


    Born on April 6th, 1483, Raffaello Sanzio otherwise known as Raphael, created a plethora of influential pieces in his lifespan. His most well known piece, The School of Athens, was created as a piece commissioned for the decoration of a palace. Along with da Vinci and Michaelangelo, Raphael was known as one of the most prolific painters of that period and his art was seen as realistic and intriguing. without Raphael there's no telling where we would be with realism and renaissance art.
  • 1564

    William Shakespeare

    William Shakespeare
    William Shakespeare is known by almost everyone, whether that's for his playwright skills or his poetry. Shakespeare played a tremendous influence on modern day plays and poetry in many ways including introducing a new type of writing to the world. When Shakespeare wrote and released Romeo and Juliet it opened up the literature world to brand new writing genres. He also greatly contributed to english sayings, coining phrases like "the world is my oyster" which goes to prove his importance.
  • Apr 1, 1578

    William Harvey

    William Harvey
    William Harvey is responsible for discovering how blood circulation works, making him a tremendously significant member of the medical field. Without his discovery who knows when we would have discovered how proper blood circulation works. His discovery changed the world is an obviously good way and now allows us to be more medically accurate and save millions of more lives. Harvey's discovery most definitely still influences our modern world and is now being taught to people worldwide.
  • Isaac Newton

    Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton is known as one of the most important figures in science. He's most well known for his laws of motion which goes into detail about how motion works and how it's affected by forces around it. He also discovered calculus which changed the way we looked at mathematics completely. Newton changed the world tremendously and his inventions obviously still influence today's world. Students all over are now being taught and utilize calculus and the laws of motion during school.