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Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation

  • Sep 7, 1285

    Eye glasses

    Eye glasses
    The eye glasses have had the most impact in the world considering that more and more people these days have them and use them. The original version of these had a wooden frame and u had to hold them u to your face. Today you can get them in many many styles and they stay on your face now with the improvements made.
  • Jul 6, 1347

    Francesco Petrarca and his work

    Francesco Petrarca and his work
    Petrarch is best known for his Italian poetry, notably the Canzoniere was one of his many poetry works. However, Petrarch was an enthusiastic Latin scholar and did most of his writing in this language. His Latin writings include scholarly works, introspective essays, letters, and more poetry. his poetry was the best of his works even tho he did other works.
  • Apr 9, 1437

    The Medici Family

    The Medici Family
    They came in power from banking in the year of 1437. They have funded many of the arts and artist. They also put four popes from there family into power.
  • May 14, 1440

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    The printing press was invented to help with the newspapers but was a key part in many other things in this era. Like with martin Luther that helped get his theses out to everybody. But to me this is the most important invention during this time because it helped in many ways.
  • Jun 5, 1503

    Self-Portrait with a Friend (Raphael)

    Self-Portrait with a Friend (Raphael)
    The painting is unique because they do not know if the person on the left was for sure a self portrait but it looks a lot like Rapheal the person the the right was identified as a fence master that's way he has a sword on his side. Experts have thought this man to be a close friend but other have though him to be a design of Rapheal which makes it unique to me. Many other artist toke the self portrait as the expertly after this painting came out.
  • Oct 12, 1505

    Pope Julius II

    Pope Julius II
    birth name Giuliano della Rovere,
    came from a modest family who over time had grown in
    power and wealth. Raised by his uncle, Pope Sixtus X,
    Julius was a powerful ruler, more concerned with his
    personal fame than he was wuth the advancement of the
    Church. (
  • Dec 23, 1510

    Leonardo's Mona Lisa

    Leonardo's  Mona Lisa
    the Mona Lisa is a wood oil painting and people have had a heck of a time identifying the sitter of the portrait. with this painting it set the tone for other painters to step up there game they didn't have the same setting and studios. this is probably the most famous painting fro m this era and is still on display today with little aging.
  • Sep 15, 1511

    Raphael, School of Athens

    Raphael, School of Athens
    The School of Athens represents all the greatest mathematicians, philosophers and scientists from classical antiquity gathered together sharing their ideas and learning from each other. These figures all lived at different times, but here they are gathered together under one roof.
  • Apr 18, 1512

    Michelangelo’s Painting of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling

    Michelangelo’s Painting of the Sistine Chapel Ceiling
    The Sistine chapel is one of the most famous interior painting from this era. the chapel was built in 1479 under the power of the pope Sixtus IV. The propose of this space in the chapel was to be used as a gathering place from the cardinals of the church.
  • Feb 23, 1513

    Niccolò Machiavelli and his literately work

    Niccolò Machiavelli and his literately work
    Niccolò Machiavelli was one of the most influential writers of the Renaissance. Although he wrote on many topics, Machiavelli is best remembered for the political advice he offered to the Prince. he was also a military official during the Medici family's power.
  • Dec 17, 1516

    Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando furioso

    Ludovico Ariosto's Orlando furioso
    Italian poet remembered for his epic poem Orlando furioso (1516), which is generally regarded as the finest expression of the literary tendencies and spiritual attitudes of the Italian Renaissance.begun about 1476, was intended to consist of three parts, but only the first two (published 1483) and part of the third were completed at the time of the poet’s death. Orlando innamorato (to which Ariosto’s Orlando furioso was conceived as a sequel) glorifies military honour, patriotism.
  • Jul 8, 1517

    Martin Luther 95 Theses

    Martin Luther 95 Theses
    But in 1517 Luther penned a document attacking the Catholic Church’s corrupt practice of selling “indulgences” to absolve sin. His “95 Theses,” which propounded two central beliefs—that the Bible is the central religious authority and that humans may reach salvation only by their faith and not by their deeds—was to spark the Protestant Reformation.
  • Nov 28, 1543

    Heliocentric Solar System

    Heliocentric Solar System
    believer in the heliocentric model, Galileo was placed under house arrest for much of his life for his beliefs after standing trial in Rome. He was called a heretic for believing that the Sun, not the Earth, was the motionless center of the universe. In recent years the Church has acknowledged that its handling of the Galileo affair was regrettable
  • Mar 24, 1563

    Tower of babel by Pieter Bruegel

    Tower of babel by Pieter Bruegel
    The tower of babel has a cool back story and is unique in its own way. The back story is that the people of god wanted to build a tower to reach the heavens to be equal with god and god changed there voices so they could not communicate with each other. This painting was painted 3 times the first one was lost and the the second one was a smaller version.
  • Feb 23, 1570

    Clothing during the Renaissance

    Clothing during the Renaissance
    the clothing that was worn by people was set by class lower class would were thin wool, sheepskin, or cotton layer. upper class would wear silk, satin, velvet, or brocade with designs and better style then just a thin layer or cotton. so as you see the difference was that if you had wealth or not you could wear better clothes or not.
  • Jul 4, 1573

    Food during the renaissance

    Food during the renaissance
    The Renaissance food was prepared to please the eye and the stomach. People from that time said that the food was delicious. At the regular Renaissance meal they would usually have soups or broths, roasts, salads, pastas, pastries, side dishes, the seasonings would go on top of the foods also the spices. Some people would have a six coursed meal.The soups and broths were usually rich and very expensive. Soups were luxuries during this time period.
  • Sep 8, 1575

    Housing of the Renaissance

    Housing of the Renaissance
    The different housing during the time was also done by class. peasants would often live in a small hose mad of earth stone or wood. while the richer classes would live in theses big houses also known as castles but not every rich person had a castle.
  • The Flush Toilet

    The Flush Toilet
    The flush toilet was a big improvement on how we used the bathroom. it helped get ride of the waste faster and safer then if we had to clean it out our self. it was a brilliant invention and i personally love this invention.
  • Scientific Method

    Scientific Method
    Galileo used the scientific method during the Renaissance mainly to prove or disprove theories of his. Isaac Newton refined the idea of scientific method but it's purpose is still the same, it is used to either prove or disprove a theory using an assortment of experiments. but they still use it today just not as heavily.
  • Astronomy

    Galileo believed that the earth was snot the center of the universe and that the sun was this was the start of astronomy. he was told by the king to keep his mouth shut because they believed that the earth was created in the center by god. Kepler by introducing elliptical orbits to the sun-centered system.