Scavenger Hunt

  • The Analtical Machine

    The Analtical Machine
    A general purpose computer designed in 1837 by English mathematician named Charles Babbage.
  • Eniac

    Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer was capable of being reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems and designed in 1946.
  • Unix Operating System

    Unix Operating System
    Designed in 1969 and is a multitasking, multi- user computer operating system.
  • Altair

    It was a microcomputer.
  • Cray 1

    Cray 1
    It was a super computer invented by Cray Research.
  • First electronic spreadsheet.

    First electronic spreadsheet.
    Released to the public in 1979 and was a spreadsheet program. It was considered a fourth generation software program.
  • PC

    PC stands for Personal Computer.