
Savannah Marleigh American Revolution

  • Period: to

    French and Indian War 1754-1763

    the people that fought the war were the French and the Indians,the french were trying to get land from the British.
  • The royal Proclamation

    The royal Proclamation
    Since England controlled so much of North America colonists headed West thinking about all the new farmland.But Britain did not want to spend more money on American Indian attacks.So the colonists could not head west.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    colonist were forced to provide living quarters for British soldiers including food,beds,blankets and even whole buildings.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    King George hated loosing money so he thought of an idea to get money the colonists should be taxed! brilliant, right? he declared all paper materials should be taxed.
  • The Townshend Acts

    The Townshend Acts
    British government official Charles Townshend hoped to lower taxes for the people in England. So more taxes for the colonists seemed like the only the king sent soldiers to enforce acts that taxed tea,glass,paper,and led. But the colonists boycotted refusing to buy British goods.
  • The Boston Massacre

    The Boston Massacre
    One March evening, an angry mob approached British soldiers on patrol in Boston. The Redcoats opened fire. About five people were killed and others wounded.
  • the Tea Act

    the Tea Act
    The king ruled that the colonists could only buy tea from the British East India Company. But smugglers were overjoyed. The smugglers sneaked illegal tea into the colonies at every chance. Colonists refused to follow the new, unreasonable rule. Then they blocked ships and stopped people from unloading tea.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    on a December night , several colonists disguised as American Indians. the colonists sneaked onto the ship and dumped ninety thousand pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor.
  • The intolerable Acts

    The intolerable Acts
    The king got extremely mad and made even more rules. He closed the Boston Harbor for business. The king also said soldiers accused of crimes should be tried in England and not in the colonies. Massachusetts lost their charter. He reinforced the Quartering Acts as well.