Saturn v

Saturn V Rocket

  • F-1 Engine

    F-1 Engine
    First complete test run of an F-1 Engine.
    1,640,000 pounds of thrust achieved; record thrust for a single chamber.
  • Testing Saturn V

    Area of land in Mississippi purchased to test Saturn V's first and second stages.
  • Apollo 4

    Apollo 4
    Apollo 4 launches with Saturn V; first launch of the Saturn V rocket.
    Capsule landed 8 hours 37 minutes after launch in the Pacific Ocean.
    10.70 km/s entry velocity to simulate entry from a translunar mission.
  • Apollo 6

    Apollo 6
    Apollo 6 launches with Saturn V to further develop launching vehicle.
    Landed 9 hours 50 minutes after liftoff.
  • Apollo 7

    Apollo 7
    First manned test of Saturn V in Earth orbit.
  • Apollo 8

    First time orbiting moon.
    Took landing-site and landmark photos for future missions.
    Astronauts became first people to see the far side of the moon.
  • Apollo 9

    Manned test of lunar hardware in Earth orbit.
  • Apollo 10

    Manned test of lunar hardware in lunar orbit; lunar module placed in lunar orbit.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    Lunar landing on the Sea of Tranquility.
    The Eagle returned to the comand module after 21 hours 36 minutes on the lunar surface.
  • Apollo 12

    Lunar experiments deployed on the moon's surface; landing site: Ocean of Storms.
  • Apollo 13

    Apollo 13
    Lunar mission aborted.
    Loss of pressure in oxygen tanks required immediate mission abort.
  • Apollo 14

    Continued lunar experiments.
  • Apollo 15

    Apollo 15
    Investigation using lunar rover.
  • Apollo 16

    Exploration of lunar highlands; landing Site: Descarte.
  • Apollo 17

    Apollo 17
    Exploration of Taurus-Littrow region of the Moon; return with largest load of lunar samples.
  • Skylab 1

    Skylab 1
    Saturn V used to build Skylav Orbital Workshop.
    Fist and only US space station.
    Disentigrated on July 11, 1979 upon reentry into the atmosphere.
  • F-1 Engines Today

    F-1 Engines Today
    NASA is considering using a modernized example of the F-1 engines to propel the Space Launch System into low Earth orbit.