Santuary Spaces Throughout History

  • 1300 BCE

    Biblical Times

    Biblical Times
    "Tell the Israelites to designate the cities of refuge." Joshua 20:2
  • 1200

    Recognized as Part of England's Canon & Secular Law

    Recognized as Part of England's Canon & Secular Law
  • The Underground Railroad

    The Underground Railroad
    The Underground Railroad is a term for the covert network of people and places that assisted fugitive slaves as they escaped from slavery in the South; this activity primarily took place in the regions bordering slave states.
  • Fugitive Slave Action of 1850

    Fugitive Slave Action of 1850
    The law criminalized helping or harboring a runaway slave and denied the accused person the right to offer testimony in her or his own defense; it confirmed what generations of enslaved African-Americans knew too well: They existed as property, not persons, in the eyes of the law.
  • Civil Rights Movement & Vietnam War Era

    Civil Rights Activists & War Evaders sought refuge in churches.
  • Original U.S. Sanctuary Movement

    Original U.S. Sanctuary Movement
    Central American refugees enter U.S.
  • Congress Passed Legislations to grant TPS

    Congress Passed Legislations to grant TPS
    Congress in 1990, temporary protected status (TPS) provides legal status to migrants from countries that have suffered natural disasters, protracted unrest, or conflict.
  • Refugees of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya Wars

    Refugees of Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya Wars
  • TX SB 4/ "Show Me Your Papers" Signed

    TX SB 4/ "Show Me Your Papers" Signed
  • Trump signs Exec. Order Against Sanctuary Cities

    Trump signs Exec. Order Against Sanctuary Cities