Rwanda Genocide

By Jordy30
  • Mar 17, 1301

    Coming of theTutsi

    Coming of theTutsi
    The Tutsi migrate to the land of the Hutu and conquer the Hutu
  • European takeover

    European takeover
    The Belgian takeover Rwanda's Congo area. The Belgians also placed the long time rivals Hutu and Tutsi in one country which enraged the Hutu even more.
  • Hutu takeover

    Hutu takeover
    Tutsi retained their dominance until 1961, when the Hutu overthrew the government monarchy, Hutu also stripped the Tutsi of their land approximately 62,000 Tutsi were killed
  • Massacre

    The president Juvénal Habyarimana was shot out of the sky and not long after the Hutu began killing off Tutsi.
  • The Comeback

    The Comeback
    The RPF takes control of the presidential palace, One million people began fleeing Zaire now called D.R of the Congo, The RPF takes control of the country.