
Romeo and Juliet

By klunde
  • Biting the thumb

    Biting the thumb
    Sampson bit his thumb at Abraham and Balthasor to begin a fight
  • The fight that starts it all

    The fight that starts it all
    Sampson, Gregory, Abraham, and Balthasor fight.
  • The Talk

    The Talk
    Prince says that if the two households fight again someone from each family will be punished
  • The Party

    The Party
    The clown lets Romeo know about the Capulet party and Benvolio tells Romeo he should go to the party to get over his love Rosaline.
  • Romeo and Juliet meet

    Romeo and Juliet meet
    Romeo and Juliet meet at the party and it is love at first sight
  • Lord Capulet stopping a fight

    Lord Capulet tells Tybalt not to fight Romeo for coming to their party
  • Bad News

    Bad News
    Nurse tells Romeo that Juliet is a Capulet and Nurse tells Juliet that Romeo is a Montague
  • The plan

    The plan
    Romeo and Juliet plan to get married the next day
  • Period: to

    Romeo and Juliet Timeline

  • Romeo talks to the Friar

    Romeo talks to the Friar
    Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to marry him and Juliet
  • The first death

    The first death
    Tybalt and Mercutio fight and Mercutio gets killed
  • Revenge

    Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge for killing Mercutio and gets exiled
  • Devastation

    When Juliet finds out that Romeo is exiled
  • Happy Day

    Happy Day
    Romeo and Juliet get married
  • The feud is over

    The feud is over
    The feud/fight between the two families has come to an end
  • Friars Plan

    Friars Plan
    Friar comes up with a 4-step plan for Juliet
  • She took it

    When JUliet takes the potion that "kills" her
  • Pushing it back

    Pushing it back
    Lord Capulet pushes back Juliet and Paris' marriage
  • Horrible news

    Horrible news
    When Romeo finds out about Juliets "death" and goes to her grave to kill himself
  • Paris is dead

    Paris is dead
    Romeo kills Paris at Juliets grave then kills himself
  • Juliet is dead

    Juliet is dead
    Juliet wakes up at her grave to find Romeo dead and kills herself