Antarctic explorer

Robert Falcon Scott

  • Birth

    Robert was born on June 6, 1868
  • Period: to

    Robert's Life

  • officer training

    Robert went toofficer training college HMS Britannia in 1880
  • Completed officer training

    Robert completed his training and left officer training in 1882
  • promotion

    Robert was promoted to sub-Lieutenant
  • Promoted to Lieutenant

    Robert was promoted to Lieutenant
  • He was offered by Royal Geographical Society to command on a trip to the Antarctic

    he was offered by Royal Geographical Society to command a trip to Antarctica.
  • Leads expidition and get's furthest south that anyone has before

    He leads the expidition and gets to 82 degrees only 500 miles from the south pole.
  • Made commander of the Royal Victorian.

    Made commander of the Royal Victorian Order by King Edward VII.
  • Married Kathleen Bruce

    1908 he married a women called Kathleen Bruce. Kathleen was a skilled sculpturer.
  • Leads another Expidition to Antarctica

    Robert leads another trip to Antarctica to make great discoveries
  • Sets out on a 800 mile trip to get to the south pole

    He knew that Roald Admundsen was going to try and get to the south pole first as well, so he wasted no time and began his journey.
  • Got to the south pole to discover that Roald beat him there.

    He got there and discovered Roald had gotten there a couple of months earlier.
  • Died as he was trapped in a nasty blizzard.

    he made his last dairy entry before he died trapped in a blizzard.