Civil war soldiers

Road to The Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was an attempt at settling the slavery dispute about the unorganized territory gained in the Louisiana Purchase
  • Wilmont's Proviso

    Wilmont's Proviso
    A Congressman from Pennsylvania named David Wilmot proposed this as a ban for slavery in all new territories gained from the war with Mexico
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    This treaty ended the war with Mexico, after the U.S. won. It gave the U.S. more slave territories that were south of the 36/30 line
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This required police in the North to take runaway slaves into custody. Also, common people who found slaves were supposed to report them/ turn them in. Many free black left to Canada because of discrimination
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This book talked about how terrible the conditions that slaves lived in. It made southerners mad, because it made them look bad, and it made northerners mad because they thought that slaves were be treated horribly
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    This act repealed the Missouri Comprosise and its restriction of slavery to below the 36/30 line. Popular Sovereignty, or the people choosing if slavery was allowed or not, was now in place
  • Bleeding Kansas

    Bleeding Kansas
    Popular Sovereignty, now in place in Kansas, cause many pro slavery people, known as boarder ruffians, to attack anti slavery citizens in an attempt to intimidate them into voting for slavery
  • The Formation of the Republican Party

    The Formation of the Republican Party
    The Republican Party was formed mainly because of the issue of slavery. They wanted it completely abolished in the new territories
  • The breakdown of the two party system

    The breakdown of the two party system
    The Democrats, who represented the south, wanted to expand slavery. Whereas the Republicans from the north wanted to end it
  • Congressman Brooks of SC beat Senator Sumner of Mass.

    Congressman Brooks of SC beat Senator Sumner of Mass.
    After Sumner gave a speech bashing slave owners, specifically Brooks' uncle, Brooks savagely beat Sumner with a cane. later, supporters of Brooks sent him new canes, with messages that told him to do it again
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    The Supreme Court ruled against a slave, which showed Northerners that if slave owners were in complete control, salvery would be legalized everywhere
  • Lincon vs. Douglas

    Lincon vs. Douglas
    Lincon argued that a divided nation could not stay standing, so he wanted everyone to agree on somthing. Douglas argued that popular sovereignty was the way to go
  • John Brown

    John Brown
    John Brown believed that god decided that he was going to rid the world of slavery. he led an attempt at a slave revolt at Harpers Ferry. he failed miserably and the only one who died was a slave. quite ironic.
  • 1860 presidential election

    1860 presidential election
    Lincon, Beckingridge, Bell, and Douglas all were in the running. Lincon won because of the greater population and support for the abolitionist movement of the north
  • Fort Sumner

    Fort Sumner
    Southern forces attacked the fort in an attempt to stop supplies from reaching it. Rather than just attack them, Lincoln just sent supplies anyway. But he did say that he would attack them if they attacked first
  • Crittenden Compromise

    Crittenden Compromise
    This last ditch effort to keep slavery alive in the unorganized territories was supported by the south, but denied by the north. there was not much widespread support