Road to the Civil War

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Missouri CompromiseBefore the Missouri Compromise in 1820, the decision about slavery was a huge problem across the U.S. In that cause congress decided to make a two part compromise, which made Maine a free state, and Missouri becoming a slave state. Also the Missouri Compromise had no slavery in Louisana territory above the 36-30 N line.
  • ''54-40 or Fight''

    ''54-40 or Fight''
    54-40 or FightIn 1844, democrats elected James K. Polk as president. When he was elected president he realized that manifest destiny was the very issue, that could lead him to victory. Polk used Texas, California, and the entire Oregon territory, Soon afterwards, Polk began using the slogan '54-40 or fight' to which territory that he promised to get for the U.S.
  • Texas Annexation

    Texas Annexation
    Texas AnnexationSouthern people were anxious to have the state of Texas, annexed to the United States. The thought was thought of by the people of the North, because they thought it would increase the area, and political powers of the slave power. The reason why it took so long is because of the issue with slavery. Which made Mexico threaten that if the U.S. does not annex Texas, then there would be war.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    Wilmot ProvisoWanted to outlaw slavery from the new territories that were part of the Mexican Cession. It was a amendment to a bill, that was put before the U.S. house of representives, during the mexican war. It provided two million dollars, to enable the presidents settlement with Mexico. Though it was not sucessful because it was defeated by the s
  • Treaty of Guadalupo-Hidago

    Treaty of Guadalupo-Hidago
    Treaty of Guadalupe- HidalgoThe Treaty of Guadalupo- Hidago ended the war between the U.S. and Mexico. In this war the United States won. In september 1847, the mexican government surrended to the U.S. and decided to end the war.
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Compromise of 1850The Compromise of 1850 consists of five laws that were passed to deal with the issue of slavery. Afterwards, senator Henry Clay introduced a series of resoulutions, to attempt a compromise and avert a crisis between north and south. In the compromise fugitive slae act was amended, and the slave trade in Washington D.C. was abolished.
  • Uncle Toms Cabin

    Uncle Toms Cabin
    Uncle Toms CabinUncle Toms's Cabin was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. When she lived in Connecticut she encountered fugitive slaves and the underground railroad. She then later on wrote the book, Uncle Tom's Cabin because she wanted to tighten fugitive slave laws. Her book inspired many Notherners to oppose to the horrors of slavery.
  • Gadsen Purchase

    Gadsen Purchase
    Gadsen PurchaseThe U.S. negotiated with Mexico to resolve the boundary dispute that started the issue with the Mexican war, to purchase the land. They wanted to purchase it because they wanted to build a railroad. Which completed the lower forty-eight states, when brought.
  • Kansas- Nebraska Act

    Kansas- Nebraska Act
    Kansas-Nebraska ActThe Kansas- Nebraska Act is a law that gave popular sovereignty to the territories of Kansas and Nebraska. This law was proposed by Stephen A. Douglas, who made these territories decide by voting if they wanted to be a free, or slave state. This problem led violence between anti- slavery and pro- slavery, which was known as bleeding kansas.
  • Republican Party Founded

    Republican Party Founded
    Republican Party FoundedIn Ripon, Wisconsin, former members of the Whig Party meet to establish a new party to oppose the spread of slavery into the western territories. By February 1854, anti-slavery Whigs had begun meeting in the upper midwestern states to discuss the formation of a new party. The meeting that happend that day, is the meeting that is remember of it being founded.
  • Brooks- Sumner incident

    Brooks- Sumner incident
    Brooks- Sumner IncidentCharles Sumner was an American politician and senator from Massachusetts. Sumner described the injustices and wrong doings happening in the Kansas territory and attacked southern refusal to act against it. He was especially derisive in his assault on Butler in which he poked fun at the man's speech defect.
  • Harpers Ferry Raid

    Harpers Ferry Raid
    Harpers Ferry RaidJohn Brown, a staunch abolitionist, and a group of his supporters left their farmhouse hide-out en route to Harpers Ferry. His raid was defected by Robert E. Lees marines.
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Election of 1860Democrats met in Charleston, SC in April 1860 to vote in the election for the upcoming president. In that election president Lincoln won, which was a republican. Southerners, which were democrats decided not to vote for Lincoln, and stormed out. . president. Eventually everyone decided to not let the issues of the north and south.
  • Firing on Fort Sumter

    Firing on Fort Sumter
    Fort on Fort SumterThe firing on Fort Sumter was near Charleston, SC. The situation began with a siege. Beginnning at 4:30 am on April 12, confederates began to bomb surroundings of the harbor. Caption James was a skillful officer, which made the firing off the ship successful. Though everyone on the ship was terrified with shock, on what was taking place on the ship.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    First Battle of Bull Run
    First Battle of Bull Run Irvin McDowell marched from Washington against the Confederate army, which was drawn up behind Bull Run beyond Centreville. Soon afterwards McDowell crossed confederate flank of Mathew hill. Confederate reinforcements extended and broke the Union right flank. Which had Thomas Jefferson to continue the battle.
  • Monitor v. Merrimac

    Monitor v. Merrimac
    Monitor v. MerrimacOn March 8, 1862, in Norfolk, Va. The Confederate ironclad Virginia steamed into Hampton Roads where she sank Cumberland and ran Congress aground.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Battle of AntietamAt dawn on September 17, 1862 General Joseph Hooker unions corp mounted a powerful assualt on Robert E. Lees army, that left flank, and began the battle of Antietam. The war ended up in a draw, but Abraham Lincoln and the Union claimed victory. This battle gave Lincoln the victory that he needed before delivering the emancipation proclamation.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Battle GettysburgThe battle of Gettysburg was the largest battle of the american civil war. On day one elements of the two armies collided west and north of the town on July 1, 1863. On the second day of battle, the Union defended a fishhook shaped range of hills and ridges south of Gettysburg with around 90,000 soldiers. Although the Confederates gained ground, the Union defenders still held strong positions by the end of the day. On July 3, fighting resumed, but the main event was a dramatic infantry assault.
  • Shermans March

    Shermans March
    Shemans MarchShermans March to the sea began in the year 1864. It was conducted from Florida on November 15, to December 21. Soon afterwards in as few years sherman and his army soon attacked in late 1864, from Virginia to Georgia, which created a lot of problems. Which made Sherman reason that war need to stop being a conflict.
  • Appomattox Court House

    Appomattox Court House
    Appomattox Court HouseEarly on April 9, the remnants of John Brown Gordon’s corps and Fitzhugh Lee’s cavalry formed line of battle at Appomattox Court House. At dawn the Confederates advanced, initially gaining ground against Sheridan’s cavalry. When he realized that the cavalry was backed up by two corps of Union infantry, he had no choice but to surrender. The signing of the surrender documents occurred in the parlor of the house owned by Wilmer McLean on the afternoon of April 9.