Road to the Cival War

  • First Slaves Arrive in the English Colonies

    Slaves are brought to the English colonies and the southern economy becomes dependent on slave labor.
  • Quakers are Against Slavery

    It's one of the first signs of white people speaking out against slavery.
  • Majority of some Southern States was Slaves

    Slaves were brought on dangerous slave ships and the south was heavily dependent on them for plantations.
  • Georgia was Founded and Slavery was Forbidden there until...

    It showed that people had different opinions on slavery and not everyone was on the same page, however, the colony grew very slowly because of this so James Oglethorpe got rid of the rule.
  • Slaves Fought in the French and Indian War

    Slaves fought in the FIW War, gaining respect from many whites.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Says all men are created equal, so North and South argue over whether or not this includes African American slaves.
  • North fought w. Patriots and South fought w. Loyalists

  • Argument over Constitution//Eli Whitney inventing cotton gin

  • War of 1812

  • Missouri Comrpomise

  • Annexation of Texas

    Debate over whether or not it shoulld be a slave state
  • Mexican American War

    Debate over slave states
  • Rise of the free soil party

  • California Requests admission to Union as a free state

    This causes debate because if it is admitted, it will disruot the senate