Road to the American Revolution

By BarrJ19
  • The french and Indian war

    When the english fought over land(especially in ohio) with french and indians have to take sides. English won. Led to the british taxing the colonists
  • treaty of paris

    ended all french power in north america after they lost the war except in the ohio valley
  • Parliament passes the stamp act

    that taxed all printed and legal documents
  • townshend acts

    small tax on glass paper tea and other small things
  • quartering act

    an act released by parliament that made colonist share their food and housing with british soldiers
  • Boston massacre

    Some colonists were trash talking the british and they fired a few shots. Five colonists died and it proved the british didn't care about fellow british citizens
  • Proclamation of 1773

    The british imposes new taxes
  • the tea act

    The british taxed the american tea but not theirs. They hoped it would make americans buy british tea
  • committee of correspondence

    a group of colonist who sent letters to other colonies to tell them what england was doing to them
  • quebec

    an act released by parliament that gave french catholics religious freedom
  • The boston tea party

    sam adams and co. dumped tea over the boat into the ocean