
Road to Revolution-Griffin

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    In 1763 King George issued the Proclamtion that saidThat the Appalachian Mountains were the boundaries tothe west of the colonies. This angered the colonists because some invenstors had previously already bought land and their claims were ignored.
  • Period: to

    Road to Revolution

  • Sugar Act of 1764

    Sugar Act of 1764
    In 1764 the British passed the Sugar Act, placing a tax on sugar, wine, etc. They did this in hopes that they would get more money so that they could supply the colonies with more protection. They also wanted to get the colonies to stop selling to countries other than britian. This angered the colonist because they would not be able to get as much money.
  • The Currency of 1764

    The Currency of 1764
    This act prohibited the use of the colonial bills or currency that the colonies had established for easier use of money. The british wanted to control the use of the colonies own money printing system. This angered the colonists because the british kept taking away all the little freedoms they had found such as their own currency. All this anger would lead up to the Revolutionary war.
  • The Quartering Act of 1765

    This Act was passed in march of 1765 by the british. This act stated that every household must house a british soldier and supply him with standard needs. The British did this so that the soldiers would be able to protect the colonies but they were also looking to cut costs in the war budget. This angered the colonists becase of the cost to keep another person living in their houses was expensive. Also the colonists prefered miltia style army, not the formal way that these soldiers fought.
  • The Stamp Act of 1765

    This act declared a tax on all printed paper. By doing this the british were, once again trying to raise money to get them out of debt from the french and Indian war. But they were also trying to get the colonists to stop using their own currency; colonial bills. This act created even more tension with the colnists because unlike the other acts, this one was trying raising money without the permission of the colonial legislatures. Wereas the other ones seemed about regulating commerce
  • Stamp Act Congress- 1765

    Stamp Act Congress- 1765
    This was A congress meeting in which twenty seven representatives from nine of the colonies. At this meeting the colonists expressed their anger towards the Stamp Act. The colonies were able to come together and start to oppose he British crown and work against it. Later in 1776 when the Stamp Act was repealed they realized what they were capable of when they worked together. Many saw a strong rebellion looming near by.
  • The Declatory Act of 1766

    The Declatory Act stated that a Colonial assembly COULD NOT pass any binding laws. Once again the colonists were furious because they had done so well to gether to get the stamp act repealed and then the right was taken away from them.
  • The Townshend Act of 1767

    The Townshend Act was passed in 1767. This act put a tax on most all goods that were imported to the colonies. The Parliament did this to show the colonies how much power they had and what they would do to keep the colonies in line. They also wanted to reise the revenue. However the colonists were so angry, and they were on the brink of rebellion.