
Road to Revolution-Getty

  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    This proclaimed that the colonists should be friendly with the Natives and not expand westward into their land. It also gave the Native Americans land as a thanks for helping them in the French and Indian war. The British thought this was a good idea so the colonists could keep friendly with the Native Americans though some colonists protested against it because they wanted the farmland that was west of where they were and they weren't allowed to expand to use it.
  • The Sugar Act of 1764

    The Sugar Act of 1764
    It was just a modification of another act previously passed called the Sugar and Molasses Act. These acts both stated that colonial merchants were obligated to pay six pence tax on every gallon of molasses that was imported from England. These colonial merchants did not like this law because they had to pay extra for their sugar supply and they had no say in if they had to pay the taxes or how much they had to pay. The British did it so they didn't have to pay.
  • The Currency Act of 1764

    The Currency Act of 1764
    The Colonists did not have acess to enough money. They started printing their own bills so they could continuesly be involved in trade. The British then passed the Currency Act which said that the Colonists could't print their own money. The British did this to limit confusion in the colonies but the Colonists protested against this becase they didn't have enough money to be involved in trade and their opinion wasn't heard.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    This act made it so for every piece of printer paper you used, you had to pay a tax on it. The British reason for this was to directly raise money for England. The colonist made a riot out of the whole thing and protested because they had no say in this act.
  • The Quartering Act of 1765

    The Quartering Act of 1765
    The Quartering Act forced colonists to find home for the British soldiers. They could house them in stables, local town houses, local stores, or anywhere else suitable for living. The British was all for this law because their soldiers needed somewhere to live when they were in the colonies, however the colonists did not like this law because they were forced to house the British people.
  • Stamp Act Congress

    Stamp Act Congress
    The Stamp Act Congress was a group of people that discussed and then got rid of the Stamp Act. The Colonists did this because they did not want to have to be charged taxes on the paper that they used. This caused the British to repeal the Stamp act.
  • Declatory Act of 1766

    Declatory Act of 1766
    The Declatory Act simply stated that the British Parliment had the same rights and authority to tax people in the colonies as they did in England. They did this so they colonists knew that this rule was "set in stone" and there would be no debating over it. The colonists did not agree that the British Parliment should be able to tax them on imported goods.
  • Townsend Act of 1767

    Townsend Act of 1767
    This act taxed glass, lead, paints, paper, and tea that were imported from England. The British did this so they could make more money. The Colonists reaction was protesteing, and in the case of the people of Massachusetts, they boycotted some of these things.