
Road to Revolution

  • Treaty of Paris (1)

    Treaty of Paris (1)
    -Agreement that ended the French and Indian War.
    -French Pulled All Forces from North America
  • Proclamation Act (2)

    Proclamation Act (2)
    -The Proclamation of 1763 forbade the settlement of American colonists beyond the Appalachian mountains pending further adjustments.
    -It was designed to fairly work out Native disputes.
    -The Proclamation angered colonists, as they had fought for this territory and believed they had a right to it.
    -Many colonists settled on this territory anyway
  • The Sugar Act (3)

    The Sugar Act	(3)
    -First law ever passed by Parliament raising tax revenue in colonies
    -Increased tax on sugar imported from West Indies to North American colonies
    -Colonists- very unhappy. After bitter protest these taxes were substantially lowered and agitation died down.
  • The Stamp Act (4)

    The Stamp Act (4)
    -Required that stamps be affixed to paper as proof of payment
    -About fifty items needed stamps, including commercial and legal documents
    -Examples: marriage licenses, bills of lading, newspapers, pamphlets, diplomas and playing cards
    -Caused uproar in colonies- led to nonimportation agreements, Stamp Act Congress
  • The Quartering Act (5)

    The Quartering Act (5)
    -Act passed by George Grenville in 1765 requiring certain colonies to provide food and lodging to British soldiers stationed there
    -Kept colonial resentment alive after Sugar Tax reduction
  • Declaration of Rights and Grievances (6)

    Declaration of Rights and Grievances (6)
    -Claimed the British Taxes Were Unfair.
    - Includes 14 Things the Colonists Found Unfair
  • Stamp Act Congress (7)

    Stamp Act Congress (7)
    -Congress in New York City with twenty seven delegates representing nine colonies.
    -had dignified debate, then drew up statement of rights and grievances urging Parliament to repeal the Stamp Act
    -Ignored in Britain, had little effect in colonies, but step toward colonial unity
  • Declaratory Act (9)

    Declaratory Act (9)
    • Said Taxes Were Same in US as Britain.
    • This Came Same Day As Tax Act
  • Stamp Act Repealed (8)

    Stamp Act Repealed (8)
    • The Stamp Act was Repealed by House of Parliament
    • Repealed Happened due to Boycott of British Goods
  • Townshend Act (10)

    Townshend Act (10)
    -The most important of these acts was a light tax on goods such as tea, paint, glass, white lead and paper payable in American ports
    -Part of tax paid for royal governors' salaries- colonists cherished right to control governors by suspending their salary
    -Colonists somewhat angered, revived nonimportation agreements, but not as angered as they were by Stamp Act
    -Smuggled tea for cheaper, smuggling increased
  • Boston Massacre (11)

    Boston Massacre (11)
    -3 British Soldiers Shot and Killed 5 Colonists for Throwing Snowballs
    -John Adams and Josiah Quincy defended the Soldiers
    - This Massacre Inspired the Sons of Liberty
  • Committee of Correspondence (12)

    Committee of Correspondence (12)
    -Group Rally of Colonists from the 13 Colonies
    - Protesting the British Policy
  • Tea Act (13)

    Tea Act (13)
    • Limited the Tea from Other Places Then The East India Company
    • This Made The Prices of Teas to Skyrocket
  • Boston Tea Party (14)

    Boston Tea Party (14)
    -Bostonians disguised as Indians dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor
    -Earlier that year- nearly bankrupt British East India Company-17 million chests of unsold tea. British government lose tax revenue if bankrupt- gave British India Company monopoly of American tea trade. Tea cheap, even with tax.
    -Americans realized Britain's attempt to make them accept tax- protests, including Boston Tea Party.
  • Intolerable Acts (15)

    Intolerable Acts (15)
    -Boston Port Act- closed Boston harbor to trade until damages paid, order assured
    -Administration of Justice Act- British officials who committed misdemeanors tried in England
    -Massachusetts Government Act- many charter rights revoked, restritions on town meetings
    Colonists were angered even further by this
  • 1st Continental Congress (16)

    1st Continental Congress (16)
    • Meeting of the Delagates from 13 Colonies
    • Point of Meeting was to Oppose The British Laws
  • Lexington & Concord (17)

    Lexington & Concord (17)
    • One of the First Battles of War
    • Famous Shot Happened That Is Known as The Shot Heard Around The World
  • Bunker Hill (18)

    Bunker Hill (18)
    -British General William Howe Leads His Troops
    - British Won Battle but Lost Many of Their People Which Motivated Patriots
  • Appeal to Reason Rejected (aka: Olive Branch Petition) (19)

    Appeal to Reason Rejected (aka: Olive Branch Petition) (19)
    • Second Chance The Colonists Tried To Prove Their Rights to the King
    • Second Continental Congress was were this was Adopted
  • Common Sense (20)

    Common Sense (20)
    -Questioned logic of a small island controlling a much larger continent
    -Called for independence and the formation of a republic- a government with authority derived from the people.
  • Declaration of Independence (21)

    Declaration of Independence (21)
    -Statement adopted by the Second Continental Congress meeting at the Pennsylvania State House
    -US Declare of Independence as Nation