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Road to religious freedom

  • Religious Requirements for Voting

    2 qualifications to vote
    1 adult male and own property
    2 member of the church
  • The Pilgrims

    come for religious freedom settled in Plymouth tolerant thanksgiving
  • The puritans

    come for religious freedom settle in Massachusetts bay they are NOT tolerant
  • Maryland‐ The Catholic Experiment

    came because they were being persecuted because of their religious beliefs Catholics settle Maryland extremely tolerant
  • Dissent in Massachusetts Bay

    If you didn’t believe what the puritans said they will banish you from Massachusetts 2 people banned: Anne and Roger extremely tolerant More Dissent in Massachusetts Bay: Roger Williams gets banished from mass believes in separation church of state found Rhode island
  • More Dissent in Massachusetts Bay

    Roger Williams gets banished from mass believes in separation church of state found Rhode island
  • Quakers in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

    Quakers are in penny Quakers believe in equality
  • The First Great Awakening

    Renewed interest in church and religion
  • The First Great Awakening

    Renewed interest in church and religion
  • Virginia Statutes for Religious Freedom

    going to make separation of the church a requirement in all colonies