Road to Independence Timeline

  • Treaty of Paris

    The Treaty of Paris was signed on 10 February 1763, by Great Britain, France and Spain, with Portugal. It ended the French and Indian War War. The Treaty was possible because of the British victory over France and Spain.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The proclamation was to organize Great Britain's new North American empire and to steady relations with Native Americans. That was done through regulation of trade, settlement, and land purchases in the west.
  • Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act, lowered the tax on imported molasses by the colonists. Hoping that the colonists would pay the duty on the foreign molasses. It also established courts for smuggling cases.
  • Stamp Act

    Placed a tax on almost everything that could be printed in the colonies.Things like newspapers, pamphlets, and playing cards were taxed, and had to have a stamp.
  • Townshend Acts

    In attempt to fix the problems caused by the stamp act, Townshend passed acts, that only taxed imported goods. but that however, included things like glass, tea, paper, and lead.
  • Boston Massacre

    The tension between the colonists and the british troops grew to the point that on march 5th, 1770, the colonists attacked the british troops with sticks, and stones, and snowballs, or anything they could find. the soldiers fired into the crowd 7 times, killing 5 people.
  • Committee of Correspondence formed

    An organization formed to protest the british. The committee circulatated things about the problems they had with britain. more of these committees formed and joined together to protest.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Three tea ships docked in the boston harbor were snuck onto and the tea thrown overboard. The Sons of Liberty are those who are responsible. They threw three hundred and forty two chests of tea overboard and into the Boston Harbor.
  • Intolerable Acts

    For the Sons of Liberty's actions, the british passed The Coercive Acts. Those acts, closed Boston Harbor until the ruined tea was paid for by the colonists. that means the essential things shipped through the harbor couldn't come in. Also, the acts made the colonists have to quarter british troops in their homes
  • First Continental Congress meets

    56 men sent to Philadelphia, PA as delegates from every colony but Georgia. They were to establish a political body to represent American Interests.
  • Lexington and Concord are fought

    British troops marched to Lexington to come upon a group of 70 minutemen. When the fighting was over only 8 minutemen were dead. The british continued on to lexington to destroy supplies. They went back to boston and were awaited by the minutemen. who were better marksmen than the British.
  • Fort Ticonderoga captured

    The Green Mountain Boys, and Ethan Allen captured the fort on Lake Champlain. They Surprised the British, and when Ethan Allen told them to surrender in the name of the continental congress, they did.
  • Bunker Hill is fought

    1200 Militia men commanded by William Prescott had set up fortifications on top of bunker hill across the harbor from Boston. the British charged on their position. Prescott said, " Don't fire until you can see the whites of their eyes." They fired, and the British retreated.
  • The Declaration of Independence is signed

    On July 4th, 1776 The Continental Congress signed the Declaration to announce that the 13 colonies were no longer under Britains rule, and are now they're their own states.