Rise of the nazi's

  • The start and beliefs of the National Socalist Worker's Party (Nazi)

    The start and beliefs of the National Socalist Worker's Party (Nazi)
    The Nazi's emerged as a minor political party and believed in anti Semitic ideas and pushed for nationalism.
  • Hitler assumes control of the Nazis

    Hitler assumes control of the Nazis
    After attending a parties meeting, he declared himself the absoulte leader and ordered the formation of an enforcement group
  • Nazis gain support with various groups

    Nazis gain support with various groups
    Farmers, small business owners and middle class were apart of a group who supported the nazi's because there were the ones who felt betreayed by the goverment
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression led many German voter to look at parties like the Nazi's with leaders like Hitler
    The NSDAP increased it's shares for the Reichstag vote from 12 to 230 in four years,
  • The Chancellor Deal

    The Chancellor Deal
    After picking up support from his party, Hitler picked up a supporter who was a politician Franz Von Papen. He appoited Hittler to the President Hinderburg who agreed to off him chancellorship to Hitler
  • Reichstag Fire and Aftermath

    Reichstag Fire and Aftermath
    A destructive fire to boost Hitler's move for ultimate power in the Reichstag building in Berlin. The aftermath of the fire was it extended Hitler's power over Germany
  • The enabling Act

    The enabling Act
    The enabling act allowed Hitler to rule by decree, bypass the constitution, inititate taxes and spending and foreign policy without the approval of the government.
  • Concentration Camps Opening

    Concentration Camps Opening
    Hitler made the construction of concentration camps which were a secure holding facilites for political prisoners who disagreed with Nazi polices
  • Hindenburg death and the aftermath

    Hindenburg death and the aftermath
    Following the death of Hindenburg and Hitler took control of Germany. He made a large public vote and nine tenths of Germans approved of the measure
  • Rearmament

    Hitler introduced the Draft to prepare the nation's military for war and had more than 900k soliders and 8k aircrafts
  • Anschluss-Austrian Takeover

    Anschluss-Austrian Takeover
    Austria has its own Nazi's. After the vote for Austrian independence, Hitler claimed the vote was rigged and told him to relinquish power to the Austrian Nazi's or will face invasion. Then after this, Austria and Germany were under one government.
  • Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement

    Czechoslovakia and the Munich Agreement
    Hitler began claiming land inhibited by German Speakers and claimed that they were being peresecuted by the Czechs. British prime minister Neville Chamberlin had a set of meetings to that demanded German forces to Czechoslovakia.