Rise of the Nazi PArty in Germany

  • The Nazi Party is founded

    A far-right political party, the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazi for short, is formed, though not prominently established in politics.
  • The Nazi Party is firmly established as a representative power

    The Weimar Republic, the office established following the German Revolution in 1918, was represented by a variety of political groups, each which different beliefs and values in the running of the country. The Nazi Party happened to be one of them and had firmly engraved themselves into German politics, with Adolf Hitler at its head.
  • Hitler takes the Nazi party by force

    Despite being one of the party's many leaders, Hitler took care of the situation and used his influence to oust other prominent leaders from the group. His rise called for the disassembling of the Treaty of Versailles and the need for antisemitism, a label long associated with the group
  • The Beer Hall Putsch

    Along with some followers, Hitler staged the Beer Hall Putsch, which aimed to directly take control from the Bavarian government and place it in the hands of the Nazi party. This plan, however, did not come to fruition in that he ended up imprisoned. This did not effect the party's rise as Hitler was released after only serving a few months, cementing his influence in central Europe.
  • Nazi Influence on the rise

    From 25 000 members in 1925, to 180 000 members by the end of the decade, Germany saw a rise in antisemitism and fascist appeal, two hallmarks made of the Nazi party, which many saw as a successor to the previously powerful Kingdom of Prussia, long deposed.
  • The Great Depression

    Facing the Great Depression, as well as hyperinflation and debt, the Weimar republic began to die out in favour of the Nazis.
  • Chancellorship

    In 1933, by popular political demands, President Paul Von Hindenburg was forced to appoint Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, as Chancellor of Germany.
  • Fuhrer

    The following year saw Hindenburg's death, and Hitler made the leader of an ethnically divided Germany, of which he sought to reunite and seek land.
  • the aftermath

    Further on, Hitler would lead Germany through WW2 and through the holocaust until 1945, ending the Rise of the Nazi party, their cemented and consolidated power, and their decline