Rise of Labor Unions

  • Knights of Labor Fouded

    Uriah Stephans forms the Knights of Labor in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Initially a secret society, knights are able to organize workers around the country under the radar of management.
  • Railway Strike of 1877

    A strike against the Baltimore and Ohio railroad ignites a series of strikes along the northeast. The violence caused by this marked the first time that Federal troops had to be called out for a domestic dispute.
  • Haymarket Riot

    A labor rally in Chicago which results in the loss of lives and gunfire.
  • Gompers Founds AFL

    After the Haymark incident, Samuel Gompers setup the AFL.
  • Sherman Anti-trust Act

    Congress passes the Sherman Anti-Trust Act intended to block business monopolies.
  • Anti Labor Injunction

    Fenderal court issues the first injunction against a union under the Sherman Anti-Trust Act
  • IWW Founded

    Westen miners form the IWW at a convention in Chicago
  • ILGWU Strike

    The ILGWU starts a strike in New York City demanding a 20% pay raise and 52 hour work week.
  • LA Times Bombing

    A bomb exploded at the headquarters of the LA times killing 20 people. The two men that set off the bomb were from the Iron Workers Union.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist fire

    A fire in lower Manhattan kills 146 people on strike for the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory.
  • First State Minimum Wage Law

    Massachusetts passes the first minimum wage law.
  • Federal department of Labor Established

    The US Department of Labor is established as a cabinet-level agency.
  • Ludlow Massacre

    Violence breaks out at a miners strike in Ludlow Colorado.
  • Clayton Act

    President Wilson signs the Clayton Act which exepmts unions from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
  • Gompers Dies

    The leader of the Early Labor Leaders dies