Rights of Womens, Miagrants and indigenous people

  • Whites allowed to shoot any Aboiginals on their property

    The whites were allowed to shoot any aboriginal on their property.
  • first australian doctor

    First Australian Doctor-Constance Stone. i don't know the date so i put 12/5/1890
    the year is correct
  • Aboriginals were not classed as citizens.

    Aboriginals were not classed as citizens.
  • idea that women could vote.

    not sure about the date so i made it up but the year is correct.
  • first female parliamentary candidates- in Australia

    Vida Goldstein and Nellie Martel and Mary Ann Moore Bentley and Selina Anderson. not sure about the date so i put 12/5/1903
    the date is correct
  • suffrasgettes were fromed

    women could vote in fedral election. the Suffragettes were fromed and tried to fighrt forv womens rights,.
  • Maternity Allowance Act.

    i don't know the date so I put 12/5/1912
    the year is correct
  • women in world war 1

    1914-1918 not sure about the date so i put12/5/1914-1918
    the year is correct
  • frist female police officers

    SA and NSW appointed the first female police officers-
    Kate Copckas and Annie Ross. not sure about the date so I put 12/5/1915
    the year is correct
  • wages

    Minimum wage for womens set at 54% of the male rate. Not suer about the date so i put 18/5/18
    the date is correct.
  • Australian Parlament

    First women elected to Australia Parlament - Edith Cowan, not sure about the date but the year is correct
  • (CWA)

    Founding of the Countrys Women Assoction (CWA) not sure about the date so i put 19/5/1922
  • Widows Penasions werte introduced

    Not sure about the date so i put 19/5/1942
  • first female elected to federal paralement

    First female elelcted to fedral parlement Enid Lyons and Dorothy Tangeny. Not sure about the date so i put 26/5/1943
    the year is correct
  • The Aboriginals voted if they were enrolled in state elections.

    The Aboriginals voted if they were enrolled in state elections.
  • All indigenous poeple are given the right to vote in commonwealth elections.

    All indigenous poeple are given the right to vote in commonwealth elections.
  • all aboriginal woman and men could vote

    All aboriginal women and men were finialy able to vote. I am not sure of the date so i put 26/5/1962
  • The Aboriginals had the same rights as white Australians and they could live any were in Austrlia.

    All indigenous poeple are given the right to vote in commonwealth election
  • Aboriginals were known as a citizen not under the flora and forna act.

    All indigenous poeple are given the right to vote in commonwealth election.
  • first aboriginal women to win a gold meddle

    First aborignal women to win a gold meddle at the commonwealth games - Cathy Freeman not sure about the date so i put 26/5/1990
  • the equal opportunity for in the work place

    The equal opportunity for in the work place ACT not sure abourt the date so i put 26/5/1999
    the year is correct
  • First female Deputy Prime Minister

    First female Deputy Prime Minister - Julia Gillard not sure about the date so i put 26/5/2007
    the year is correct
  • First Female Govenor Genral

    First Female Govenor Genral of Australia - Quentin Bryce Not sure about the date so i put 26/5/2008
    the year is correct
  • First female prime minister

    First female prime minister - Juliar Gillard not sure about the date so i put 26/5/2010
    the year ios correct
  • First female Aboriginalwomen to have a seat in fedral parliment

    First female Aboriginalwomen to have a seat in fedral parliment - Nova Peris Not about the date so i put 26/5/2013
    The year is correct.