Revol 7

Revolutionary War Events

By bluecup
  • British Colonies viewed an attack

    The French in Canada began building forts on lands in the Ohio Rivier Valley claimed by both France and Britain.
  • British defeated the French and Indians

    After the French and Indian War, French Canada became a British colony.
  • Proclamation

    The British King ordered that the colonists were to stop settling the western land just won from France.
  • Sugar Act

    Parliment passed a law that came to be known as the Sugar Act. This law said the colonists must pay tax on many goods coming to the colonies from other places.
  • Stamp Act

    People held a meeting in New York City called the Stamp Act Congress. They discussed the problems that the new tax laws had caused.
  • Boston Massacre

    A crowd gathered near several British soldiers. Some in the crowd shouted insults at the soldiers and began to throw rocks ans snowballs.