Revolutionary war pic 1

Revolutionary War 1775-1783

  • Period: to

    American Revolution

  • The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

    The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere
    Paul Revere rode to warn local troops in Boston about the coming of the British army.
  • Battles of Lexington and Concord (Battles)

    These were the very first battles of the American Revolution.
  • The meeting of the Second Continental Congress

    This was the first time these delegates met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • The Battle of Bunker Hill

    The colonists were able to hold of the British for longer than aticipated- the colonists' hopes soar despite the British victory
  • The writting of the Olive Branch Petition (important document)

    The Contiental Congress wrote a petition to England and tried to make peace with them before a war was started, as long as their rights were granted once more. King George refused to see the petition when it arrived in England, further enraging the colonists.
  • Declaration of the causes and necessity of taking up arms (important document)

    This document was written by the Continental Congress and explained why it was necessisary for the colonists to go to war with Britian.
  • The Battle of Quebec

    The Continental Army gave up all hope of winning Canada from the British because of their defeat
  • Publishing of "Common Sense" (important political document)

    Publishing of "Common Sense" (important political document)
    This is a powerful paper written by Thomas Paine that persudes many Americans to become Patriots
  • Abigal Adams writes an important letter to John Adams

    Abigal encourages equal rights for women and asks John to bring the issue up in Congress
  • Signing of the Declaration of Independence (important document)

    Signing of the Declaration of Independence (important document)
    The Declaration of Independence changed the tone of the war because the Patriots had something to fight for. It also let England know that they were serious about going to war with them.
  • Battle of Long Island (Battle)

    Washington and his less than 20000 determined soldiers lost to the British Army.
  • The Crisis

    This is another encourging pamphlet written by Thomas Paine in the middle of a harsh winter. Patriotism has reached an all-time low but Thomas tells people to not lose hope.
  • Battle of Trenton (Battle)

    Battle of Trenton (Battle)
    Washington and the Continential Army crossed the Delaware River and surprise attacked the British resulting in a great Continental victory. Hope comes once more to Washington and his troops.
  • The Battle of Brandywine (Battle)

    The Battle of Brandywine (Battle)
    The Continental Army was running out of hope and desperatly needed a victory- the battle unfortunatly resulted in a British victory and a severe lack of confindence settled over Washington and his troops.
  • Battle of Saratoga (Battle)

    American victory- the turing point of the war
  • The Articles of Confederation (Important document)

    Later replaced in 1787 by the Constitution, these were several amendments made to the Declaration of Independence.
  • The winter of Valley Forge

    The winter of Valley Forge
    Winter offically begins and Washington and his men hardly survive the next few months due to lack of supplies and clothing.
  • France joins the Continental Army

    France joins the Continental Army
    In this month France becomes public about their alliance with the colonists, and begins sending troops and supplies. This raises much hope in the colonies and the war starts to turn in the colonist's favor.
  • Friedrich von Steuben

    A military officer from Prussia was a welcomed sight to Washington and his troops, and Friedrich soon began shaping the local troops into the Continental Army.
  • African slaves are allowed to fight for the Continental Army

    The Rhode Island Assembly votes to allow African slaves to fight and soon after raises an all- African regimine
  • Spain declares war on Britian

    Spain, a very powerful empire, joins the fight against Britian. This raises hope in the colonies.
  • The Battle of Camden (Battle)

    The Continental Army lost- the Brish hold on the Carolinas was tightened
  • The Battle of Cowpens (Battle)

    The Continental Army won- this became the turning point in claiming South Carolina from the British
  • Battle of Yorktown (Battle)

    Battle of Yorktown (Battle)
    This was the last great battle of the American Revolution- the Americans greatly defeated the British causing them to realise the war was too costly to continue.
  • Treaty of Paris (important document)

    Treaty of Paris (important document)
    This document stated that Britian reconised America as it's own country and it also gave Americans the right to fish off the coast of Canada. British and American representitives signed this document in Paris, France