Revolutionary war

Revolutionary War

  • French and Indian War

    French and Indian War
    This war was between the French and Indians vs. the British and American colonies.The war lasted from 1754 to 1763.It was nicknamed the Seven Years War. This war is what started the major taxes in the colonies.
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    Events leading up to the Revolutionary War

    These were the major events leading up to the Revolutionary War.
  • The Sugar Act

    The British goverment put a tax on sugar.This ended on March 17,1766.This helped start the Revolutionary War.
  • The Stamp Act

    The British put a tax on every piece of paper.This only lasted until 1766.This was a event that led up to the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    British soldiers standing outside the State House shot and killed 5 colonists and injured another 6 after being taunted and rioted against. This made the colonists really upset which helped start the Revolutionary War.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    American colonists dressed as indians dump tea off of British ships. This makes the British army tighten down on Boston which makes tensions higher and lead to the Revolutionary War.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    56 delegates from the 13 colonies(except Georgia) came together to talk about the Intolerable Acts from England. This gathering lasted till October 26,1774 in secrecy.
  • Battle at Lexington and Concord

    Battle at Lexington and Concord
    American Victory-Americans take less casualties then the British. Start of the Revolutionary War(nicknamed shot heard 'round the world
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    Revolutionary War

    The war where the United States gained its independence from England.
  • George Washington appointed Comander-In-Chief

    George Washington became General of the Continental army appointed by the congress.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    British Victory-Americans retreat after forcing heavy British casualties
  • Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"

    Thomas Paine's "Common Sense"
    Thomas Paine's article on the basic rights that a goverment is supposed to protect or get overthrown if not protecting these rights.
  • British show escalation

    From June to July 1776, the British brought battleships with 1200 cannons, 30,000 soldiers, 10,000 sailors, and 300 supply ships to the colonies.
  • Lee's Resolutions

    Lee's Resolutions
    Richard Henry Lee proposing a Declaration of Independence to the Continental Congress
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Americans declaring independence from Britain
  • Battle of Trenton

    Battle of Trenton
    American Victory- colonists rethink possibility of winning war
  • Battle of Princeton

    Battle of Princeton
    American Victory-Washington leads 7000 Americans against 6800 Hessians and 1200 British.
  • Battle of Ticonderoga

    Battle of Ticonderoga
    British Victory-Americans retreat from Fort Ticonderogaafter controlling it for two years when they become outnumbered
  • Battle of Oriskany

    Battle of Oriskany
    British Victory-Americans suffer heavy casualties resulting as one of the bloodiest battles of the war.Iriquois Indians play big part in British victory
  • Battle of Bennington

    Battle of Bennington
    American Victory-British suffer almost ten times the amount of the Americans
  • Battle at Saratoga

    Battle at Saratoga
    American Victory-British Surrender on October 17, 1777
  • Battle of Germantown

    Battle of Germantown
    British Victory-Washington's army having to reform behind fortified positions
  • French Alliance

    French Alliance
    Americans and French sign alliance paper
  • Battle of Barren Hill

    Battle of Barren Hill
    British Victory-British try to surround Americans but Americans end up escaping.
  • Battle of Kettle Creek

    Battle of Kettle Creek
    American Victory-The militia defeat the tories by taking 5 times the amount of casualties.
  • Brtish burn Fairfield,CT

    Brtish burn Fairfield,CT
    British Victory-The British burn Fairfield because of the big rebel cause.
  • The Siege of Charleston

    The Siege of Charleston
    British Victory-British caputure more than 4000 Americans
  • Battle of Waxhaw Creek

    Battle of Waxhaw Creek
    British Victory-The British surprise Americans and kill 113,severely wound 150, and 53 captured.
  • Battle of Hanging Rock

    American Victory-Americans take well fortified base.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    Agreement between 13 founding states establishing United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states and the first constitution.
  • Battle of Augusta

    American Victory-The Americans take back a southern city with a British fort.
  • French force British from Chespeake Bay

    American Victory-The French navy forces the British stronghold at Chesapeake Bay.
  • Battle at Yorktown

    Battle at Yorktown
    American Victory- British surrender on October 19,1781 marking the end of the fighting in the war
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    American Victory-Brtish and Americans sign peace treaty