Revolutionary War

  • Sugar Act

    British Parliment began to tax Spanish and French molasses and sugar bought by the colonists which forced the colonists to buy British only sugar. British felt this was justified because it paid off war debts. The colonists were upset at the price increase.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act called for colonists to house the 10,000 British Troops still in America. The Colonists felt this was unfair because the troops did not pay rent or help with any household chores. The British felt this was justified because they were providing protection from the Native Americans.
  • Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act required the colonist to buy a British stamp for printed paper they used (newspapers, calendars, playing cars, letter paper). The British felt this was justified because it would help pay off the war debts. The colonists did not like that they had to pay more for paper and that they had no voice and began the cry of "Not Taxation Without Representation."
  • Stamp Act Congress

    The colonists had a meeting to ask the King to repeal the Stamp Act.
  • Repeal of Stamp Act

    King repeals the Stamp Act
  • Townshend Acts

    The British put taxes on paint, lead, glass, paper and tea. The British felt was justified because they were paying off their war debt. The colonists were very upset about the increase in cost and interference in their daily lives. They refused to buy British goods.
  • Repeal of All but One of Townshend Acts

    British repealed all but one of the Townshend Acts because their merchants were losing money. The colonists were happy with the change but were unhappy because the British sent troops to enforce the taxes that remained.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston colonists picked a fight with the British soldiers and the scuffle caused five colonists to die from gunfire.
  • Tea Act

    The British made a law that only tea from the British's East India Tea Company could be bought. The colonist felt this was very unfair and were angry that not all the taxes were repealed and that they were not represented in Parliament.
  • Boston Tea Party

    A group of frustrated colonists went onto a British ship and dumped 342 chests of tea into the water. The colonists felt this was justified because they were tired of being taxed. The British were not fooled or amused by this action.
  • Coercive Acts / Intolerable Acts

    Britian decided to punish the rebellious colonists decided to close the Boston Harbor to all ship traffic. Many colonists were concerned about losing their jobs.
  • Thomas Gage Becomes Governor

    British made Thomas Gage governor of Massachusetts to gain control of the city. He brought 4000 troups and colonists were expected to feed and house all of these men.
  • First Contentential Congress

    Twelve colonies sent delegates to represent them and they insisted that the Intolerable Acts be repealed. British's Parliament refused the demands and declared the colonies in a STATE OF MUTINY. The colonists decided to prepare to fight the British for independence.
  • Shot Heard Around the World

    General Gage sends troups to Concord to gather up the colonists' weapons and arrest the leaders of the rebellion. Samuel Prescott found out and warned the colonists. The militiamen of the colonies met the British soldiers on their way there and a shot was fired that started the war. 273 British soldiers died and 93 militia men died in the battle.
  • Second Continential Congress

    The colonists sent delegates again to meet and they elected George Washington to command the troups. The colonists began split into different groups: colonists for independences, colonists the continued to try and work with the British.
  • Battle of Ticonderoga

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

  • Colonists make failed attack on Quebec

  • Colonists take control of Boston

  • Declaration of Independence Written

  • Revolutionary War Ends

    British surrender.