
Revolutionary War

  • Battele of Lexington

    Battele of Lexington
    The Lexington Battle was fought by the Americans and the British. The American leaders were Samual Adams and John Parker. The General for the British was General Gage. This war was one by Americans and then later started the revolutionary war.
  • Battle of Concord

    Battle of Concord
    the British force entered Concord intent on two objectives: destroying weapons and eating breakfast. A local man was forced at gunpoint to reveal where the town cannon had been buried a few hours earlier. It was quickly unearthed and disabled. Other redcoats searched homes in the town for arms and purchased food from reluctant residents. The Americans, Minute Men And the British faught in this was. The American leader was John Parker
  • Period: to


  • Bunker Hill

    Bunker Hill
    Americans were positioned on Breeds Hill and british dessided to attack them. American leander was William Prescott. The British leanders were General Gage and General William Howe.
  • Fort Ticonderoga

    Fort Ticonderoga
    on June 10th 1775 Americans Attacked Britains Fort. They went later at night so they could capture it. The American leader was Ethan Allen. There were no British leaders involved. And the Americans won this Battle and we got their cannons. Pciture: Marching to fort
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    THe British tryed to suppround quebec and get canadians to support rebbles. The british ended up wining. Some of the american leaders were Washington and Arnaled
  • British retreat from Boston

    British retreat from Boston
    this Battle was faught because the Americans wasnted the british out of boston. The American leaders were Washinton and Henry Knox. The british leader was William Howe. And the Americans won and got their citly back.