Revolutionary War

  • Period: to

    Revolutionary Era

  • Treaty of Paris in 1763

    Treaty of Paris in 1763
    The Treaty of Paris in 1763 officially ended the French and Indian War. This treaty also marked the start of the British domination outside of Britain. The ending of the war accumulated debt so Britain taxed the colonists unfairly to try and get money back.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The proclamation of 1763 closed off the colonists friom expanding west. This was meant to calm the Indians following Pontiaces War. This fueled the Revolutinary War because the colonists were uhappy because the British king had already promised land to the Indians that the colonishts had already bought.
  • The Stamp Act

    The stamp act was a direct taxt that was placed on all colonists that says that the colonists must place a stamp on every paper, document, or anything written. The money from this act was used to fund soliders who were defending the American frontier. This fueled the war because people didn't want to pay extra or allow the government to believe they could impose other taxes on them.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act of 1765 was the first stage of taxing that the British put upon the colonists. This hidden tax anounced that the colonists were to house British soliders throughout the war, if needed. This fueled the start of the Revolution because the colonists were again unhappy at what Britain was making them do.
  • Townshend Acts

    A seriers of acts that put taxes on household items like paint, oil, glass, tea, lead and more. This aggrivted the colonists even more because they were giving more and more moeny to Britain.
  • Boston Massacure

    Boston Massacure
    The Boston Massacure was an incident that occured when colonists surrounded British soldiers. They were throwing items and yelling threats. Without orders the British soliders fired into the crowd. This ended up killing 5 and wounding 6 others. This massacure marked when the the colonists and the British clashed arms and the Revolution began.
  • Hessians

    Hessians were German soliders. They worked on the British side during the Revolution. They were soliders of German princes who hired them out in units. They recieved wages but most went to their princes. The British thought that it was easier to hire than to use their own soldiers so the Hessians fought for the British. The Hessians helped the British in the Revolutionary War by providing strong manpower for the British cause.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    The Sons of Liberty were an organization that believed strongly in coloist rights. They took action after the Tea Act by raiding ships and throwing all of the tea into the Boston harbor. The Boston Tea Party created the intolerable acts and and helped motivate the patriots towards freedom.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party was a non-violent act by colonists that were protesting against the tea act. The colonists dressed themselves as indians and they went aboad ships and threw the tea into the sea. The British were very angry and responded harshly to the act. This event sparked the American Revolution and is an iconic image still today.
  • Intolerable Acts

    These acts were especially meant to get rid of all of the threats of the Boston Tea Party. These acts got rid of the Massachusetts self government and their historic rights. The British hoped that this would stop the rebellion by making an example of Massachusetts but instead it sparked even more outrage in the colonies.
  • Loyalists

    The Loyalists were American colonists who stayed loyal to the kind of Britian and helped Britian fight. These people were mostly lived in the Southern colonies.
  • First Continental Congress

    The First Continental Congress was a big gathering in Philadelphia. 56 people that were appointed by legislatures met to discuss option about the war. One of the options that thye discussed was to not trade anymore with Britian. The Revolution had begun.
  • Patriots

    The patriots were about a third of the colonists that strongly wanted to rebell. They fought violently against the British to become their own country. These people people were the reason to the revolution and the US became its own country.
  • Sam Adams

    Sam Adams
    Samuel Adams, cousin of John Adams, was the first delegate of the Congress. In early years he was a tax collecter for the British so some thought he was a spy. Later, he became an icon for the resistence and signed the declaration of independence.
  • John Adams

    John Adams
    John Adams was a leading advocate for the Independence from Great Britain. He was the younger cousin of Sam Adams. He was unlike his cousin becasue he wasn't as defined in his views against the British even though thier essential goal was the same. He believed that all people should have a fair trial. He later became the second presidant of the Untied Sates of America.
  • Lexington and Concord

    Lexington and Concord was the first British attack of the Revolutinary War, the British attacked colonist leaders and went after gunpowder in Concord. The real history of who fired first is still unkown.
  • Paul Revere

    Paul Revere
    Paul Revere is most famous for alerting the Colonists that the British were aproaching before the battle of Concord and Lexigton. This readied the colonist for the attack.
  • George Washington

    George Washington
    George Washington was appointed to take control of the Continetal army without much experience in June 1775. He was a good leader and helped to defeat the British through his many victories. Most notably, the battle of yorktown. He became the first American presidant.
  • Declaration of Independence

    The declaration is the statement that started the war. It allowed the colonies to be considered states and therefore get their freedom from Britain by becomign their own country. This fueled the war because the British had claimed that territory as their own. This made the British angry because the British had spent so much money on the colonies.
  • Thomas Paine

    Thomas Paine
    Thomas Paine first inspired the colonists to get independence from Britian through his book Common Sense. He wrote multiple books to motivate the colonists to get their independence.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    This battle was the turning point in the war for the colonists. The colonists defeated the British and forced the general to surrender. This news got the French to come support the colonists in the battles. Previously the French had been supplying the colonists with ammunition, cannons, and guns but now the French stepped in and went with the colonists to battle.
  • Benedict Arnold

    Benedict Arnold
    Benedict Arnold is infamous for being a traitor. He first fought with the Amertican Continential army as a general. He planned to surrender a fort to the British but his plans got out and the British took him as general.
  • Lord Cornwallis

    Lord Cornwallis
    General Charles Cornwallis is best remembered as one of the leading British generals in the Revolutionary War. In 1781, General Cornwallis surrendered to the colonists after the Battle of Yorktown. This was the last land fought battle in the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    This was said to be the last battle of the Revolutionary War where the colonists finally claimed their independence. In the battle the French and the colonists allied against the British and they ended up capturing trhe British general, Cornwallis. At the capture of the general and his army the British were then getting ready to end this war and negotiate a plan with the colonists for their independence.
  • Treaty of Paris 1783

    The Treaty of Paris in 1783 ended the American Revolution. This treaty discussed the land and what the colonists could now do and what the British couldn't do. The American Revolution was over and the colonists had gained their independence. How were they going to run their government, their econemy? Many problems are to be faced along the way for the patriots to be a free country.
  • Martha Custis Washington

    Martha Washington was the wife of George Washington. She is considered to be the first First Lady of the United States. She was referred to as "Lady Washington."
  • Thomas Jefferson

    Thomas Jefferson was the founding father of the United States of America. Jefferson was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. At the beginning of the war he was in the First Continental Congress representing Virginia. Durning the war he became the govener of Virgina. Without Thomas Jefferson the US would not be like it is today.
  • Abigail Adams

    Abigail Adams was the wife of John Adams, the first vice presidant of the US. He later became the presidant. She was the second first lady of the United States.