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Revenue Acts After the French & Indian War

  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    Purpose: The Sugar Act increased the tax on goods, such as wines, sugar, and coffee. This act enabled Britain to gain more money. Colonists Reaction: The colonists were not pleased with the increased tax. Colonists sent 50 letters to the Parliament, expressing their anger towards the Sugar Act. Organizing boycotts was another act of protest. British Government Reaction: The government repealed the Sugar Act in 1765 due to massive amounts of protesting, but replaced it with the Stamp Act.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Purpose: The Stamp Act put a tax on every type of printed paper, such as playing cards, newspapers, and legal documents. Colonists Reaction: The colonists were not pleased with the tax on paper. As one act of protest, colonists would harass the tax collectors. The colonists wanted “tax with representation.” British Government's Reaction: The government repealed the Stamp Act in 1766 due to colonists protesting. However, the Declaratory Act was put into the place that same day.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    Purpose: The Declaratory Act was formed in order to give full authority over the colonies to the Parliament. This included the right to pass any law the Parliament felt was necessary. Colonists Reaction: The colonists did not protest this act. They did not want experience the same treatment Britain gave Ireland (Irish Declaratory Act). British Government's Reaction: The government did not repeal the act until 1964. Since colonists did not protest, they were able to keep it intact for longer.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Purpose: The Tea Act was granted to the British East India Company Tea. This allowed the tea company to have a monopoly on tea sales (tea was taxed). Colonists Reaction: The colonists were not pleased with the British East India Company Tea’s freedom to sell anywhere. This led to the Boston Tea Party in which 92,000 pounds of tea were dumped into the Boston Harbor. British Government's Reaction: The government did not repeal this act until 1861.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    Purpose: The Boston Port Act closed off the port of Boston until colonists paid back the tea that was thrown into the sea. This was about $1 million. Colonists Reaction: Some colonists wanted to repay while others did not. Britain wanted to block Boston from the other colonies, but colonies, such as New England, shipped supplies to Boston. British Government's Reaction: The government repealed this act because their plan backfired. By the time the British tried to act, it was too late.