

By prem
  • Identify learners

    Maori Year 5 and Year 6 learners are in this target group
  • Test learners on e-AsTTle

    Determine the reading levels of this group of students.
  • Permission to participate in study.

    Learners will be given consent forms to be signed by the family.
    Senior Management team and Year 5 & Year 6 teachers informed.
  • Period: to

    Introduction to Multimodal Literacies

    Inform learners of change initiative in reading. Write up learning outcomes and success criteria.
    Timetable students.
    Offer incentives for participating.
    Collect Consent forms from learners.
  • Period: to

    Planning for multimodal literacy in reading.

    Identify topic study unit.
    Gather resources required.
  • Period: to

    Planning & Preparation for Reading lessons

    Prepare lessons and link resources.
    Create learning site for students to engage in.
  • Period: to

    Introducing Multimodal reading to learners.

    Provide tasks and activities for students to complete.
    Provide explicit teaching.
    Identify 1st follower.
  • Period: to

    Continue with week 2's tasks and activities.

    Learners continue with tasks and activities.
    Recognise the 1st follower and make him/her co-teacher.
    Plan for week 3.
  • Period: to

    Continue with week 3's tasks and activities.

    Learners continue with weeks tasks and activities.
    Identify early adopters.
    Plan for week 4's activities.
  • Period: to

    Continue with week 4's tasks and activities.

    Learners complete tasks and activities.
    Recognise early adopters.
  • Reassess learners.

    Use e-AsTTle to reassess learners.
  • Feedback

    Obtain student voice on change initiative - use Google Form.
    Provide feedback to learners.
    Share finding with teachers and management at Syndicate meeting.
  • Impact of Change Initiative.

    Analyse data, learners voice, teachers suggestions.
    Determine the impact of the change initiative.
    Present final report to all stakeholders.