Report Timeline

  • Period: to

    Personal Project Workshop

    • Gain an understanding of what the Personal Project is
    • Understand what is expected from us in this project (e.g. the report, the product, use of learner profiles and ATL skills)
    • Learn what factors need to be considered before choosing a topic to work on (e.g. passion/interest)
  • Period: to

    Decide Topic

    Based on what is learnt in the Personal Project workshop, I will brainstorm ideas that involve my interests and passions. Choose an idea from the brainstorm that is the most feasible (discuss the ideas with parents, peers etc. to decide which topic would be most suitable.
  • Period: to

    Work on Planning Form

    Based on the idea decided on previously, fill out the planning form sent by Ms.Trivedi. Make sure to use at least 3 types of sources in the practice source evaluation section and choose the most suitable global context and explorations to prepare for the actual report.
  • Period: to

    Submission of Planning Form

    Submit the completed planning form onto the Program Manager on the school website. Submit before 9:25, which is the specific deadline.
  • Period: to

    Meet with Supervisor

    As the planning form would have been checked by the supervisor by this date, I will meet with my supervisor to discuss my ideas to decide on a final proposal of my idea based on the feedback they give me. Remember to take note of what is discussed (their feedback, what we decide would be best to do for my project etc.) so that the 'Meeting 1' notes can be written for the Academic Honesty section of the Program Manager.
  • Period: to

    Submit Meeting 1 Notes

    Use the notes taken at the supervisor meeting and write the 'Meeting 1' notes. Do not forget to write about:
    1) Specify topic
    2) Goal
    3) Reason for choosing the topic
    4) Global context and reason it fits with the topic
    5) A source used to finalize on the topic (e.g. an interview of an experienced person, website, video)
    6) A brief evaluation of source (reliability, usefulness)

    REMEMBER: Insert feedback from the supervisor wherever their advice fits and explain what you did to meet this advice
  • Period: to

    Work on Timeline and Criteria Table

    Use the examples provided by Ms.Trivedi and the tips given by the supervisor to produce a set of criteria to base the product on. Split the sections into: form, function, user/audience, costs, global context. This will ensure that all areas of the product have been specified. Include a testing method for each section which will be followed later on. For the timeline, I will mention the important dates by which I want to get certain sections of my product done. Include breaks (e.g. holiday).
  • Period: to

    Submission of Criteria Table and Timeline

    Submit the criteria table and timeline onto the Program Manager. Remember to attach it to the dropbox that is labeled 'criteria table and timeline'.
  • Period: to

    Work on A1 and A2 in Class

    Begin to work on Criterion A in the 2 hours provided at school. Start by defining and justifying the goal and global context in A1. Then, elaborate on prior knowledge of skills that will be needed during the project (make sure to refer to MYP subjects). Remember to keep these sections between 300-350 words in order to stick to the final report word limit at the end of the report writing. I will submit whatever I have completed at the end of the time provided in school onto the Program Manager.
  • Period: to

    Work on Criterion A and B

    Based on the guidance provided by Ms. Trivedi in the workshop, work on the rest of Criterion A (A3 and any edits to A1&2) and Criterion B. Remember to make use of the guidance examples and resources provided (to understand the structure and what needs to be included). REMEMBER: use the previously made criteria table and timeline in Criterion B.
  • Period: to

    Criterion A and B Workshop

    There will be a workshop conducted by Ms. Trivedi teaching us how to complete Criterion A and B. I will take notes of what she suggests and where the examples and resources can be found in order to aid me when I work on Criterion A and B.
  • Period: to

    Submission of Criterion A and B

    Submit the completed Criterion A and B onto the Program Manager on the school site. Submit it in the dropbox labeled 'Criterion A and B' so that it can easily be found by Ms. Trivedi and my supervisor.
  • Period: to

    Work on Criterion C and D

    Using the tips learned at the workshop, begin on Criterion C and D, and form the appendix. Use the resources and examples provided for an idea of what the structure should be and what should be written about.
  • Period: to

    Criterion C and D Workshop

    There will be a workshop conducted by Ms. Trivedi teaching us how to complete Criterion C and D, as well as the appendix. I will take notes of what she suggests and where the examples and resources can be found in order to aid me when I work on the rest of my report.
  • Period: to

    Meet with Supervisor

    Meet with your supervisor to discuss your progress. Make sure to make notes so that you can write the Meeting 2 notes later.
  • Period: to

    Submission of Criterion C and D and Meeting 2 Notes

    Submit Criterion C and D, as well as the meeting 2 notes onto the Program Manager. Make sure to upload them to the dropboxes with the respective names (Criterion C and D, Meeting 2 Notes).
  • Period: to

    Submission of Full Draft Report

    Submit the draft of the full report (Criterion A, B, C, D, Appendix, and Works Cited List) onto the Program Manager. Make sure to upload it to the correct dropbox so that it can easily be located by Ms. Trivedi and my supervisor.
  • Period: to

    Submission of Final Report and Meeting 3 Notes

    Submit the final report after adding the corrections suggested by my supervisor and Ms. Trivedi onto the Program Manager. Make sure to upload it to the correct dropbox to make it easy to locate. Also, submit the meeting 3 notes (which were taken during the last meeting with my supervisor) to the Academic Honesty section of the Program Manager.