Renaissance and Reformation Timeline

  • Aug 13, 1308

    The Divine Comedy

    The Divine Comedy
    The Divine comedy was a book written by Dante Alihieri. It tells of his journey through hell and purgatory. It has also been adapted as a movie called Dante's Inferno.
  • Mar 9, 1392

    The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales
    The Canterbury Tales is a book filled with 24 different stories. It was written by Geffory Chaucer. The book was written in the year 1392 and is still taught about today.
  • Mar 19, 1397


    The harpsichord is a musical instrument almost like a piano that was made for parties and entertainment in the Renaissance. The notes were played by plucking the cord rather than striking the cords like a piano does.
  • Apr 4, 1440

    Donatello's David

    Donatello's David
    The sculpture of David was done by Donatello in the year 1440. The painting was commissioned by Cosimo de Medicci. He had it placed on a pedestal which sat in the courtyard of Palazzo de Medicci
  • Period: Jan 1, 1450 to

    The Style

    In this time period women wore very elaborate, high-waisted dresses. The dresses more often than not sported expensive stones like emeralds on them to show their class. Men normally wore stockings paired with a shirt and a doublet.
  • Jan 17, 1450

    The Printing Press

    The Printing Press
    The printing press aided Martin Luther throughout the reformation because it allowed him to make multiple copies of his books, and bibles. The original printing press was originally made in 1450 by using a method of putting in on wood blocks, or by writing them by hand.
  • Dec 2, 1450

    The City of Ladies

    The City of Ladies
    The city of Ladies was another book written in 1450. It is about the capabilities of women and how they are worthy to do whatever they want. It focuses on misogyny and the sexism of men's writings.
  • Dec 7, 1469

    Lorenzo took control of Florence

    Lorenzo took control of Florence
    On Dec. 5th the ruler of Florence, Piero, died. Two days later Lorenzo de Medicchi took the position and ruled like his father and his grandfather before him. However the role of power he held was completely behind the scenes and was never a public ruling.
  • Oct 10, 1473

    The Sistine Chapel was Built

    The Sistine Chapel was Built
    The Sistine chapel was originally built over another chapel called the Capella Magna. This particular chapel was built for pope Sixtus the fourth.
  • Nov 4, 1498

    The Lady with the Ermine

    The Lady with the Ermine
    The lady with an Ermine is a painting done by Leonardo Da Vinci. The painting itself was done multiple times because the princess it was done for didn't appreciate the color of the background. This is why the background is now black.
  • May 5, 1500

    Albrecht Durer

    Albrecht Durer
    Albrecht Durer was a German painter in the time of the Renaissance. He is most widely know for his self portraits that made himself be represented as an equal to Jesus. He created four painting each at a different point in his life.
  • Aug 29, 1506

    The Madonna of the Pinks

    The Madonna of the Pinks
    The Madonna of the pinks was a painting by the artist Raphael. This painting is actually only nine inches wide. It shows the two figures sitting on a bed while the virgin Mary is holding the baby Jesus,
  • Apr 14, 1508

    Pope Julius ll

    Pope Julius ll
    In the year 1508 during the reign of Pope Julius the second Michelangelo was commissioned to travel to the Sistine Chapel and paint the frescoes. The original plan for the Sistine Chapel was to paint geometric designs on the ceiling with the twelve apostles surrounding the area on the walls. Instead Michelangelo came up with the idea that is now seen today
  • Feb 14, 1517

    The Actual German Translation

    The Actual German Translation
    In the year 1517 Martin Luther was tired of the Catholic spreading false teachings and one thing he did about it was translate the bible into his native language so everybody could read and interpret the bible in their own way. This was very uncommon in this age because only the higher positions in the church were able to read and understand the holy text.
  • Feb 14, 1517

    No Bibles Translated for the common people to read

    No Bibles Translated for the common people to read
    The bible wasn't always out for the public and for the people to see. Before the year 1517 the bible was only written in Latin which made it so the popes, bishops, and other Latin people could read.
  • Dec 12, 1517

    The Indulgences

    The Indulgences
    Indulgences were sold by the church promising to take time off of a loved ones sentence while being held in purgatory. Prior to the reformation Martin Luther was sent to buy one for someone who had passed in his family. While doing so he realized that buying the indulgences was not taught in the bible and that the church was just trying to make profit.
  • Dec 23, 1543

    Heliocentric Solar system

    Heliocentric Solar system
    The heliocentric solar system meant that the sun was the center of the universe. Prior this belief the common thought was that the Earth was the center. Meaning that everything revolved around the earth.
  • Nov 25, 1555

    The Treaty of Augsburg

    The Treaty of Augsburg
    The treaty of Augsburg was the first proclamation of peace between the Lutheran's and the catholic's. The treaty allowed the princes of each state elect a religion that they would preach for their domain.
  • May 16, 1561

    The Thermometer

    The Thermometer
    Galileo was the credited inventor of the telescope although he didn't actually create something that measured the temperature. He created an object that predicted the possible temperature. The real inventor was Santorio Santorio.
  • The Toilet

    The Toilet
    The toilet was a very big accomplishment in the Reminiscence because without the toilet we wouldn't have the cleanliness in our streets that we have in a way today. Without the toilet the streets would be overflowing with sewage and disease would be rampant among today's society.
  • The Telescope

    The Telescope
    The telescope is an invention used to look a the stars by magnifying the field of vision. It consist of a lens and an outer tube to expand and retract the tube.
  • Discovery of Jupiter

    Discovery of Jupiter
    Galileo found Jupiter after he invented his version of the telescope. He found it on January 1st. a great way to start the new year.
  • Atmospheric Pressure

    Atmospheric Pressure
    The inventions of the barometer led to the magnificence of atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted by the weight of the atmosphere. Atmospheric pressure is the thing that keeps us on the Earth.
  • THE HURDY GURDY (points for the name)

    THE HURDY GURDY (points for the name)
    The Hurdy Gurdy is a musical instrument similar to the violin. It has a wheel that moves across the strings when the key button is pressed. It did however only become popular to the peasants until 1750. Daily Life PowerPoint